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发布时间:2019-07-02 20:43
【摘要】:随着经济社会的迅速发展,国内开放度的大大增加,诉讼数量的急剧膨胀,未成年人犯罪数量也随之迅速上升,鉴于未成年人的心智不成熟,可塑造性强,附条件不起诉制度便应运而生。在我国上海市长宁区人民检察院是最早尝试附条件不起诉的,它在1992年初对一名涉嫌盗窃罪的犯罪嫌疑人延缓起诉。由于取得了良好的社会效果,并且符合我国宽严相济的刑事政策。附条件不起诉在国内已经散播了近二十年,试点了十多年;并且适用的对象范围也不只是局限于未成年人,适用范围也及于一些弱势群体的轻微刑事案件。 结合多年来的司法实践,2012年修订刑事诉讼法,把附条件不起诉制度明确写入了新刑事诉讼法中。但是作为一个新引入的制度,立法者表现的相当谨慎,甚至可以说过于保守。因此对这一制度有认真分析,进行完善的必要。基于此,本文从我国各地试点经验以及比较法的方法,来考察现行附条件不起诉立法的不足之处,主要指出适用前提条件的设置、所附条件、监督考察主体、程序设计四个方面的问题;并借鉴德国、日本、我国台湾及澳门等域外相关立法,结合我国各试点地区的规则,提出了一些完善意见。 本文正文分三大部分,价值分析,存在的问题,完善建议。 第一部分对附条件不起诉的价值分析,为更好的细化构建我国的附条件不起诉制度,有必要探索立法者构建这一法律制度的法理基础和立法目的,刑法由报应刑向目的刑的转变以及由此应运而生的起诉便宜主义是附条件不起诉制度产生的基础。并体现了诉讼效益,刑法的谦抑主义和人权保障。 第二部分指出了附条件不起诉存在的问题,这一部分着重探讨了几个我国附条件不起诉制度存在的问题,主要有附条件不起诉制度存在着前提条件设置不合理,所附条件过于简单,监督考察主体不恰当,程序设计有漏洞等等问题。 第三部分对附条件不起诉存在的问题提出了完善的建议。本部分笔者首先分析了是否应该扩大适用范围以及扩大到什么范围,其次针对考察条件过于简单和宽泛问题提出了一些细化建议。再次对附条件不起诉的监督考察帮教问题提出了自己的看法,着重探讨了考察方式,考察主体和考察期限,并且建议将考察主体有检查机关改为司法行政机关。最后对附条件不起诉的程序构建提出了完善建议,提出增加考察核定程序,对“异议权”和“听取”程序进一步完善。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy and society, the great increase of domestic openness, the rapid expansion of the number of litigation, the number of juvenile delinquency has also increased rapidly. In view of the mental immaturity of minors, strong formability, conditional non-prosecution system emerges as the times require. The people's Procuratorate of Changning District in Shanghai, China, was the first to try not to sue with conditions. It deferred the prosecution of a suspect suspected of theft in early 1992. Because of the good social effect, and in line with the criminal policy of combining leniency and severity in our country. Conditional non-prosecution has been disseminated in China for nearly 20 years and has been piloted for more than a decade, and the scope of application is not only limited to minors, but also to minor criminal cases of some vulnerable groups. Combined with many years of judicial practice, the Criminal procedure Law was amended in 2012 to explicitly include the conditional non-prosecution system in the new Criminal procedure Law. But as a newly introduced system, lawmakers are quite cautious, or even too conservative. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze this system carefully and perfect it. Based on this, this paper examines the shortcomings of the current legislation of non-prosecution with conditions from the pilot experience of various parts of our country and the methods of comparative law, mainly points out the establishment of applicable prerequisites, attached conditions, supervision and inspection subjects, and program design, and puts forward some suggestions for improvement by drawing lessons from the relevant foreign legislation such as Germany, Japan, Taiwan and Macao, and combining with the rules of each pilot area in our country. The main body of this paper is divided into three parts, value analysis, existing problems and suggestions for improvement. The first part analyzes the value of conditional non-prosecution, in order to better refine the construction of conditional non-prosecution system in our country, it is necessary to explore the legal basis and legislative purpose of legislator to construct this legal system. The transformation of criminal law from retribution to purpose punishment and the convenience of prosecution, which emerges as the times require, are the basis of conditional non-prosecution system. And reflects the effectiveness of litigation, the modesty of criminal law and the protection of human rights. The second part points out the problems existing in the conditional non-prosecution system, this part focuses on several problems existing in the conditional non-prosecution system in our country, the main problems in the conditional non-prosecution system are unreasonable, the attached conditions are too simple, the supervision and investigation subject is not appropriate, the program design is loophole and so on. The third part puts forward some suggestions on the problems of conditional non-prosecution. In this part, the author first analyzes whether the scope of application should be expanded and what scope to expand, and then puts forward some detailed suggestions for the investigation of the conditions are too simple and broad. Thirdly, this paper puts forward its own views on the supervision and investigation of supervision and education with conditions and non-prosecution, focuses on the way of investigation, the subject of investigation and the time limit of investigation, and suggests that the subject of investigation should be changed into a judicial administrative organ. Finally, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the construction of the procedure of conditional non-prosecution, puts forward that the procedure of investigation and approval should be increased, and the procedures of "dissenting right" and "hearing" should be further improved.


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