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发布时间:2019-07-05 20:59
【摘要】:公安机关经侦部门的初查,是指公安机关的经济犯罪侦查部门对涉嫌经济犯罪的线索材料进行初步的审查、调查,以确定是否符合立案条件的活动。经济犯罪具有隐蔽性、复杂性、抽象性及其与经济纠纷的界限的模糊性等特点,实践中对犯罪案件所进行的初查活动相比较一般的刑事案件更为重要。目前,几乎公安机关所有的经济案件在立案前甚至接报案件后都会有询问、走访、调查取证、现场勘查等初查措施,甚至有的案件在立案前还必须先采取紧急措施,,之后再补办相关手续,初查所获取的证据材料在后续的审判中起到了重大的作用。 遗憾的是,初查的法律地位迟迟没有得到确认。2013年的新刑诉法仍然没有为初查“上户”,于是不少反对者以初查是刑诉法上的“黑户”为由否认初查中所获得的证据材料的证据效力,在实践必须与法律缺失的矛盾下,初查制度已然成为“刑诉法不得不说的一大漏洞”。有鉴于此,本文主要对公安机关经侦部门办理经济案件过程中的初查活动进行探讨。 本文主要分为四个部分来对公安机关经济案件的初查进行讨论。 第一部分全面分析我国公安机关经侦部门经济犯罪案件中的初查制度。涵盖了初查的概念、起源以及发展、法律属性、其与相关概念的辨析以及国外相关立法关于类似制度的规定等内容。 第二部分重点讨论备受争议的初查合法性、合理性、必要性以及初查制度在公安机关司法实践中的重要意义等问题。 第三部分主要针对公安机关初查的措施、策略,具体运行路径,应遵循的原则以及初查结果的证据效力问题提出自己的看法。 第四部分是关于我国公安机关初查制度的运行现状以及需要注意的几点。 客观存在决定人们的意识。长期以来,初查制度已然为经济犯罪案件工作所必须,切切实实地发挥着举足轻重的作用,那么,不久的将来,其被我国的刑事诉讼法所规定也是必然。
[Abstract]:The preliminary investigation of the economic investigation department of the public security organ refers to the preliminary examination and investigation of the clue materials of the suspected economic crime by the economic crime investigation department of the public security organ in order to determine whether it meets the conditions for filing a case. Economic crime has the characteristics of concealment, complexity, abstractness and fuzziness of its boundary with economic disputes. In practice, the preliminary investigation activities of criminal cases are more important than the general criminal cases. At present, almost all economic cases in public security organs will be questioned, visited, investigated, collected evidence, on-site investigation and other preliminary investigation measures before filing a case or even after receiving a case, and even some cases must take urgent measures before filing a case, and then complete the relevant formalities. The evidence materials obtained from the preliminary investigation have played an important role in the follow-up trial. Unfortunately, the legal status of the preliminary investigation has not been confirmed for a long time. The new criminal procedure law in 2013 is still not "registered" for the preliminary investigation, so many opponents deny the evidentiary effect of the evidence obtained in the preliminary investigation on the grounds that the preliminary investigation is the "household registration failure" in the criminal procedure law. Under the contradiction between the practice and the lack of law, the preliminary investigation system has become "a major loophole that the criminal procedure law has to say." In view of this, this paper mainly discusses the preliminary investigation activities in the process of handling economic cases by the economic investigation department of public security organs. This paper is divided into four parts to discuss the preliminary investigation of economic cases in public security organs. The first part comprehensively analyzes the preliminary investigation system in the economic crime cases of the economic investigation department of the public security organs in our country. It covers the concept, origin and development of the preliminary investigation, the legal attribute, the discrimination between it and the related concepts, as well as the provisions of the relevant foreign legislation on similar systems. The second part focuses on the controversial legality, rationality and necessity of the preliminary investigation and the significance of the preliminary investigation system in the judicial practice of public security organs. The third part mainly puts forward its own views on the measures, strategies, specific operation paths, the principles to be followed and the evidence effectiveness of the preliminary investigation results of the public security organs. The fourth part is about the operation status of the preliminary investigation system of public security organs in our country and some points that need to be paid attention to. Objective existence determines people's consciousness. For a long time, the preliminary investigation system has been necessary for the work of economic crime cases, and plays an important role in practice. Then, in the near future, it is inevitable that it will be stipulated by the Criminal procedure Law of our country.


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