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发布时间:2019-07-06 13:48
【摘要】:随着电子信息技术的飞速发展及计算机网络的广泛应用,,国际间的电子商务贸易也日益频繁,电子数据越来越多的出现在当今的诉讼活动中,正逐渐成为一种新的诉讼证据形式。正是如此,对于电子数据相关问题的研究才逐渐受到我国理论界及司法界的重视。我国2012年《民事诉讼法》第63条新增了电子数据作为一种独立的证据类型,以法律的形式明确了电子数据在民事诉讼中的独立证据地位。但是,由于电子数据在社会大众的观念中尚未形成统一的概念、电子数据的收集和保全等取证程序的进行缺乏系统的法律规定等相关问题,给司法实践中电子数据的应用仍带来了诸多难题。鉴于电子数据不同于其他传统证据的特点,传统的证据收集与保全方式已不能满足实践的需要,这使得对电子数据的收集和保全进行研究和立法已成为刻不容缓的趋势。本文在借鉴国内外学者电子数据研究的部分成果的基础上,试着针对电子数据自身的特点,对其应如何收集与保全等相关问题做出阐述。 除了引言,本文分三部分对民事电子数据的收集与保全制度进行研究。 第一部分,主要论述了民事电子数据的基本理论问题,为后文展开有关民事电子数据收集与保全问题的论述奠定基础。首先对各国有关民事电子数据的概念进行了分析和评述,从我国目前的研究现状出发对民事电子数据的概念做出了界定。接着分析了电子数据不同于传统证据的特点,即电子数据具有高科技性、存在方式的无形性、表现形式的复合性以及内容易受破坏性的特征。 第二部分,主要论述了我国民事电子数据收集与保全的现状及存在的问题。本文用了两部分对收集、保全分别进行阐述。在民事电子数据的收集方面,先分析了我国民事电子数据收集的立法现状,接着重点阐述了民事电子数据收集在立法和实践中存在的问题。在民事电子数据的保全方面,则从我国民事电子数据保全的现状考察与现实困境两部分分别进行阐述。 第三部分,在对如何完善民事电子数据收集与保全制度上分别提出了具体的解决办法。在民事电子数据收集制度的完善方面,主要从指导原则、收集主体的范围以及收集程序的设置方面提出了自己的建议和意见。在民事电子数据保全制度的完善方面,则主要从指导原则、网络公证保全方法以及保全程序的设置等三个方面分别作了阐述,其中在保全程序的设置方面,又分别从保全程序的启动、管辖、审查、实施等四个方面展开作了分析。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of electronic information technology and the wide application of computer network, international e-commerce trade is becoming more and more frequent. Electronic data appear more and more in today's litigation activities, and are gradually becoming a new form of litigation evidence. Just in this way, the research on electronic data related issues has been paid more and more attention by the theoretical and judicial circles of our country. Article 63 of the 2012 Civil procedure Law of our country adds electronic data as an independent type of evidence, which defines the independent evidence status of electronic data in civil litigation in the form of law. However, because the concept of electronic data in the public has not yet formed a unified concept, the collection and preservation of electronic data and other evidence collection procedures lack of systematic legal provisions and other related issues, which still brings many problems to the application of electronic data in judicial practice. In view of the fact that electronic data is different from other traditional evidence, the traditional way of evidence collection and preservation can no longer meet the needs of practice, which makes the research and legislation of electronic data collection and preservation become an urgent trend. On the basis of drawing lessons from some achievements of domestic and foreign scholars' electronic data research, this paper tries to explain how to collect and preserve the electronic data according to the characteristics of the electronic data itself. In addition to the introduction, this paper is divided into three parts to study the collection and preservation system of civil electronic data. The first part mainly discusses the basic theoretical problems of civil electronic data, which lays the foundation for the following discussion on the collection and preservation of civil electronic data. First of all, this paper analyzes and comments on the concept of civil electronic data in various countries, and defines the concept of civil electronic data from the current research situation in our country. Then it analyzes the characteristics of electronic data which are different from the traditional evidence, that is, the high-tech nature of electronic data, the invisibility of the mode of existence, the complexity of the form of expression and the characteristics that the content is vulnerable to destruction. The second part mainly discusses the present situation and existing problems of civil electronic data collection and preservation in our country. In this paper, two parts are used to describe the collection and preservation respectively. In the aspect of civil electronic data collection, this paper first analyzes the current legislative situation of civil electronic data collection in China, and then focuses on the problems existing in the legislation and practice of civil electronic data collection. In the aspect of civil electronic data preservation, it is expounded from two parts: the present situation of civil electronic data preservation in our country and the realistic predicament. In the third part, the concrete solutions are put forward on how to perfect the civil electronic data collection and preservation system. In the aspect of perfecting the civil electronic data collection system, this paper mainly puts forward some suggestions and opinions from the aspects of the guiding principles, the scope of the collection subject and the establishment of the collection procedure. In the improvement of the civil electronic data preservation system, it is mainly expounded from three aspects: the guiding principle, the network notarization preservation method and the preservation procedure, among which, in the setting up of the preservation procedure, it is analyzed from four aspects: the initiation, jurisdiction, examination and implementation of the preservation procedure.


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