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发布时间:2019-07-07 19:33
[Abstract]:The judgment of abrogation is a judgment of annulment of the instrument made by the court in the procedure of public notice. In recent years, with the frequent use of bills in economic activities, bill disputes are increasing day by day, especially the disputes caused by removal of power. Due to the imperfect provisions of the existing law on the relief of the rights of the "holder" after the removal of the power, there have been many disputes in academic circles and judicial practice. Based on the theoretical analysis of the present situation, this paper concludes that the reason is that the relevant laws and regulations are vague in the nature and legal effect of the power removal judgment, as well as the unclear way of right relief after the power removal judgment, which leads to the differences between the academic circles and the judicial practice. In order to deal with this kind of bill disputes effectively, standardize the provisions of bill law, civil procedure law and related administrative regulations, and protect the rights and interests of legitimate ticket holders efficiently and comprehensively, it is necessary for us to analyze and answer the above problems, and to put forward reasonable suggestions for improvement of the existing shortcomings. In the first part of this paper, a case is introduced. By introducing the bill dispute case between A and B, this paper sums up the focus of the dispute, that is, the three major issues to be discussed in this paper are: after the defendant obtains the judgment of removal, 1, whether the plaintiff, as the "holder" of the bill, is still the legal holder of the bill; 2, whether the right of the bill still exists; 3, whether it is reasonable for the plaintiff to file the cancellation claim when the right relief is carried out. The second part examines the present situation. This paper analyzes the reasons for the obstacles encountered in the relief of the right of "ticket holder" after the removal of power judgment in our country, including the defects of the existing legal system, the existence of different opinions in academic circles, and the phenomenon of different judgments in the same case in judicial practice. This leads to our thinking on the legal status of the "holder" after the removal of the right, the influence of the decision on the right of the "holder" and the definition of the nature of the "lawsuit" in judicial relief. The third part, which is also the focus of this paper, mainly puts forward its own views on the above focus, and focuses on the following points of view: (1) the judgment of removing power has only formal res judicata, and does not have substantive res judicata; (2) after the judgment of power, the holder of the bill is still the holder of the bill right and still enjoys the complete right of the bill; 3. After the judgment of power, it is not necessary for the obligee to file a lawsuit for cancellation. At present, the "lawsuit" in Article 223 of the Civil procedure Law of the people's Republic of China should be clearly sued separately. 4. after the judgment of the right, it is more reasonable for the "holder" to file a bill lawsuit. The last part, perfect the suggestion. Combined with the focus problems summed up in this paper, combined with the analysis of related reasons and theoretical argumentation, this paper puts forward some concrete and operable suggestions on the relief of the rights of the "holder" after the removal of the power judgment, in view of the defects existing in the existing legal system.


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