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发布时间:2019-07-08 11:03
[Abstract]:The expression of meaning is the core element of the legal act, and the truth of the expression of meaning is the necessary condition for the effectiveness of the legal act. The third party fraud, like the contract counterparty fraud, will cause the expression of intention of the ideographic person to be untrue, which will lead to the defect of the contract validity of the third party fraud and the compensation and relief of the person whose interests are damaged. Throughout the civil legislation and judicial practice of various countries in the world, the legislative model of the effectiveness of the third party fraud contract can be summarized into three kinds: the third party fraud unconditionally affects the contract validity, and the fraudster can cancel the contract (such as Italian law); The fraud of the third party generally does not affect the validity of the contract, only when the misunderstanding caused by the fraud of the third party belongs to the scope of the major misunderstanding that leads to the invalidity of the contract, the fraudulent person may claim the invalidity of the contract (such as French law); the fraud of the third party constitutes a flaw in the validity of the contract if the relative party knows or should know that the fraudulent facts exist, and the fraudster may cancel the contract accordingly (such as German law). There are few provisions on the third party fraud in the civil law of our country, which is only slightly mentioned in the judicial interpretation of the guarantee Law, which leads to the treatment of this problem in judicial practice. It is necessary for our national code to combine the legal act system under the framework of the current law with the norms of tort law, and to make special provisions and comprehensively regulate the legal issues of the third party fraud contract. From a macro point of view, the design of the legal system of third party fraud contract should adopt the provisions of German law model, recognize that third party fraud affects the validity of the contract under the non-bona fide condition of the relative party, give the fraudster a right of cancellation to fully protect the autonomy of the will of the deceived person, and at the same time absorb the special rules of the draft European uniform Law that the third party fraud contract can be revoked, To the greatest extent, the rights and interests of the fraudster and the bona fide counterpart can be balanced, and the two-way goal of ensuring the right of individual autonomy of will and maintaining the security of social good faith transactions can be realized. The third party shall be liable for the losses caused by the fraudster and the bona fide counterpart as a result of its fraud. From the micro point of view, it is a long way to go to perfect the legal system of the third party fraud contract, and it is necessary to draw lessons from the foreign advanced legislative technology to supplement and amend the civil special law, clearly define the concept of the third party fraud contract and the scope of the "third party", reasonably set up the constituent elements of the third party contract fraud, and further strengthen the punishment for the third party fraud in the contract. Protect honest and trustworthy behavior in the market economy with a strong attitude.


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