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发布时间:2019-07-08 13:37
[Abstract]:One of the applicable conditions of the quick-cutting procedure is the criminal suspect, the defendant agrees to the sentencing suggestion, the essence of which is the "consensus" of the control to the sentencing, but the legal knowledge is weak due to the low cultural quality of many defendants and the ability of independent sentencing negotiation is basically not provided. Therefore, the people's court of fuqing city of fujian province carries out comprehensive legal aid in the pilot work of the criminal fast-cutting procedure, ensures the legal norm of sentencing and consultation, and guarantees the legitimate rights and interests of the parties. Through the questionnaire, interview and so on in the operation, we find that there are many different views in the scope and way of the consultation, the confirmation of the conclusion of the negotiation, the guarantee of the consultation ability of the accused and the relief of the procedure. Therefore, we carry out the empirical analysis and analysis of the related problems, and put forward the corresponding countermeasures.
【作者单位】: 福建省福清市人民法院刑一庭;福建省福清市人民法院审判委员会;福建省高级人民法院刑一庭;


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