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发布时间:2019-07-08 20:07
[Abstract]:Litigation, as a way to solve disputes, is the inevitable product of the development of the times to a certain stage. With the continuous improvement of the construction of the rule of law and the deepening of judicial reform in our country, citizens' awareness of resolving contradictions and disputes through litigation is increasing day by day, which reflects the value demand of citizens to pursue fairness and justice. However, driven by interests and other factors, there has been a dishonest lawsuit that uses litigation as a legitimate way to obtain improper interests. Some parties even abuse the rights conferred by law in order to obtain a successful decision. This kind of behavior not only disrupts the litigation order, but also damages the legitimate rights and interests of others. In recent years, for the problem of litigant dishonest litigation, the theoretical research is the discussion of false and malicious litigation, from the classification of the litigant dishonest litigation is not enough, the existing discussion is scattered in some papers and investigation reports, lack of systematic research, at the same time, the existing theoretical results are also lack of further mining of the manifestation of dishonest litigation. There are also misunderstandings that the abuse of procedural litigation rights is understood as litigation skills. The dishonest litigation of the parties is not only an important problem in the theory of procedural law, but also causes many operational problems that make judicial practitioners feel headache in practice. It should be made clear in particular that the excessive use or even abuse of litigation rights by the parties in the course of litigation should be characterized as dishonest litigation and regulated, taking into account not only the perspective of the judge as the central judge, but also the exercise of the legitimate litigation rights of the parties, but also the original meaning of the relevant legislation, so it is very difficult to formulate a clear concept for the dishonest litigation of the parties. On the basis of expounding the connotation of dishonest litigation, this paper consults the relevant literature, makes a lot of research to the judicial practice department, and analyzes the common manifestation of the litigants' dishonest litigation in judicial practice. This paper analyzes on the causes of the formation of these problems at the social level, the moral level, the economic cost level and the legal system level; analyzes the defects of the current legal system in our country by referring to the relevant legal provisions at home and abroad; and then starts from the procedural level, the entity level and the auxiliary mechanism level, and tries to put forward some operable targeted solutions that can balance the interests of all parties.


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