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发布时间:2019-07-09 09:03
【摘要】:隐私权不仅是现代民法中的一项具体人格权,更是人的一种基本权利。现代社会由于科学技术的不断创新和经济水平的快速发展,隐私权的保护问题日益受到人们的重视。犯罪嫌疑人作为一类特殊的主体,对其隐私权的保障更是愈来愈引起世人的关注和重视,从法理上看主要是因为犯罪嫌疑人的实体权利在刑事诉讼中被忽视和排除而处于危机状态。虽然立法层面规定了隐私权的保护,但是由于历史、国情及意识形态等原因,我国在侦查程序中,尤其是在采证、勘验现场、窃听、搜查以及讯问等取证过程中,侦查机关过于注重对犯罪的打击,片面追求侦查的效率,从而忽视了对犯罪嫌疑人隐私权的保护,导致实践中大量的犯罪嫌疑人隐私权受侵害,这不得不引起我们的重视和改进。因而,本文旨在从民法人格权的角度探讨如何保护和完善犯罪嫌疑人的隐私权。 第一部分,主要对犯罪嫌疑人隐私权受保护的理论基础进行分析和研究。在探讨了隐私权的本质和内涵的基础上,分析了其概念和内容,以及在现今社会状况下应加强隐私权保护的必要性和紧迫性。其次对犯罪嫌疑人这一特殊主体进行了界定和分析,针对其自身身份的特定性,限定了其受保护的隐私权的范围和内容。 第二部分,主要分析犯罪嫌疑人隐私权受侵害的情形及造成该种现象的原因,根据其所涉及的刑事诉讼程序和手段的不同,主要从监听、搜查、秘密拍照、侦查讯问、监视居住、新闻报道以及羁押等程序出发,分析各阶段犯罪嫌疑人隐私权受侵犯的表现和原因。 第三部分,首先从比较法的角度分析了欧盟、美国、德国和法国关于犯罪嫌疑人隐私权司法保护的模式,然后分析了国际公约中对犯罪嫌疑人隐私权保护的法律规定。美国、英国为典型的代表国家,伴随着欧美国家工业化进程,开始重视对犯罪嫌疑人权利的保护。而德国和法国作为传统的大陆法系国家,也吸收了普通法系国家的当事人主义中有利于犯罪嫌疑人权利保护的要素,将犯罪嫌疑人的很多权利确立为宪法性权利,把人权保护作为它们修改刑事诉讼法的最终目标。 第四部分,针对我国对犯罪嫌疑人隐私权保护的不足,提出了完善措施。首先介绍了国外在刑事强制措施中实施司法令状制度在平衡审前诉讼结构模式,限制侦、检权,充分保护公民基本权利中发挥的积极作用,,并结合我国实际情况构建起适合我国国情的司法令状制度。其次,通过非法证据排除规则对刑事侦查机关所采取的技术侦查措施所获取的证据材料进行司法审查,从而限制侦查权保护犯罪嫌疑人的隐私权;最后分析我国现行国家赔偿制度在价值追求、体系建构、具体制度设计等方面存在的偏颇和严重缺陷,并分析了建立有限司法审查的必要性和可能性,按照必要、适当和权利救济原则,重构我国的刑事强制措施体系,完善相关制度,健全救济机制,实现对犯罪嫌疑人隐私权的全面救济。
[Abstract]:The right of privacy is not only a specific right in modern civil law, but also a basic right of people. Due to the continuous innovation of science and technology and the rapid development of the economic level, the protection of the right to privacy is becoming more and more important. As a kind of special subject, the guarantee of the right of privacy of the suspect is more and more important to the world, from the legal point of view mainly because the entity's rights of the criminal suspect are ignored and excluded in the criminal procedure and are in crisis state. Although the protection of the right to privacy is established at the legislative level, in the course of the investigation, the investigation organ is too focused on the fight against the crime, because of the history, the national conditions and the ideology. The efficiency of the face-to-face investigation is to ignore the protection of the right to privacy of the criminal suspect, which has led to the violation of the right to privacy of a large number of criminal suspects in practice, which has to give rise to our attention and improvement. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore how to protect and perfect the right of privacy of the criminal suspect from the perspective of the right of the personality of the civil law. The first part is to analyze and research the theoretical basis of the protection of the right to privacy of the criminal suspect. This paper, on the basis of discussing the essence and connotation of the right to privacy, analyzes its concept and content, and the necessity and urgency to strengthen the protection of the right of privacy in the present social situation secondly, the special subject of the criminal suspect is defined and analyzed, the specific nature of the identity of the criminal suspect is defined, the scope and the inside of the privacy right to be protected are limited, The second part mainly analyzes the situation of the violation of the right of privacy of the criminal suspect and the cause of the phenomenon. According to the different procedure and means of the criminal procedure involved, it is mainly from the monitoring, the search, the secret photographing, the investigation and examination and the supervision. On the basis of the procedures of residence, news report and custody, the author analyzes the expression of the violation of the right to privacy of the suspect in each stage. The third part, from the perspective of the comparative law, analyzes the model of the protection of the right of privacy of the suspect in the EU, the United States, Germany and France, and then analyzes the protection of the right of privacy of the suspect in the international convention. The legal provisions of the United States and the United Kingdom are typical of the country, with the process of industrialization of the European and American countries, beginning to attach importance to the criminal suspect. The protection of rights is as follows: Germany and France, as the traditional continental law countries, have also absorbed the elements that benefit the protection of the rights of the suspect in the common law system, and the many rights of the criminal suspect are established as follows: The constitutional right to protect human rights as a means of amending the Code of Criminal Procedure The fourth part, aiming at the deficiency of our country's protection of the criminal suspect's right to privacy, In the first part, the author introduces the positive role of the judicial writ system in the criminal coercive measures in order to balance the structure of the pre-trial litigation, the limitation of the investigation, the right of inspection, the full protection of the fundamental rights of the citizens, and the construction of our country's national conditions in the light of the actual situation of our country. On the other hand, the judicial review of the evidence material obtained by the criminal investigation organ through the illegal evidence exclusion rule is carried out, so as to limit the right of the investigation to the protection of the criminal suspect; and finally, the value of the current national compensation system in China is analyzed. The author analyzes the necessity and possibility of establishing the limited judicial review, and rebuilds the system of criminal coercive measures in our country, and perfect the related system, in accordance with the necessary, appropriate and right relief principles. And improve the relief mechanism and realize the concealment of the criminal suspect.


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