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发布时间:2019-07-23 20:15
[Abstract]:In the litigation structure centered on investigation, the function of trial is weakened, and the evidence can not be effectively cross-examined, which often becomes the constant judicial war of unjust and false cases. In the current trial-centered litigation system reform, if we can realize the central position of the trial stage in the third stage of litigation, but do not change the original trial mode of case file centralism, then the significance of trial-centered reform will become nihilistic. Therefore, in the trial reform directed by the trial center, more attention should be paid to the cross-examination of evidence. It can be said that the perfection of trial cross-examination is an important content to realize the reform of trial-centered litigation system, and it is the inevitable requirement of trial materialization, which is beneficial to reduce the occurrence of unjust and false cases and promote the realization of judicial justice. Therefore, we should think about the existing litigation system from the perfection of the operation mechanism of judicial power and the rules of cross-examination.
【作者单位】: 华东政法大学司法学研究院;


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