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发布时间:2019-07-24 06:27
[Abstract]:The construction of criminal procedure should not only be limited to the simplification of trial procedure, but should create a new mode to accelerate the process of criminal procedure, that is, the leapfrog development of criminal procedure stage. This proposition is based on the reflection on the pilot work of the criminal procedure, accords with the principles of prompt trial and the presumption of innocence, and can also be supported by the doctrine of trial centralism and the theory of litigation economy. At the same time, it has a successful experience that can be used for reference in comparative law. The leapfrog development of the stage of criminal proceedings should focus on the applicable conditions, basic types and their starting methods, coercive measures, litigation documents and trial level system, and carry out a new system construction which is different from the traditional litigation promotion mode, and respond to the obstacles that may be faced and strengthen the construction of supporting measures.
【作者单位】: 北京大学法学院;


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