本文选题:合宪性解释 + 基于宪法的解释 ; 参考:《法学家》2015年01期
[Abstract]:Constitutional interpretation and constitutional-based interpretation are often confusing. The former is a special system in the normative review, and its fundamental purpose is to preserve the norm, that is, to avoid declaring the norm unconstitutional by choosing a constitutional legal interpretation. The latter refers to the use of constitutional provisions or spirit to concretize general provisions or uncertain legal concepts in law in individual cases. Constitutionality interpretation includes two parts: legal interpretation and constitutionality examination of legal interpretation, but constitutionality interpretation is not an independent method of legal interpretation, but a choice standard or priority rule of the result of legal interpretation. In Germany, in order to avoid the ordinary courts from using the constitutionality interpretation to set up the constitutional review power of the Federal Constitutional Court, the scholars proposed to adopt a division of labor model, that is, the ordinary court should apply to the Federal Constitutional Court when it finds that there is a need for the constitutionality interpretation to apply to the Federal Constitutional Court. In China, it is impractical to try to circumvent the standing Committee of the National people's Congress (NPC) standing Committee by interpreting the constitutionality of ordinary courts. In terms of enhancing the judicial applicability of China's constitution, the path that the court can take should be based on the interpretation of the constitution.
【作者单位】: 北京航空航天大学法学院;
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