发布时间:2018-11-12 17:18
【摘要】:农村流动人口是伴随着我国改革开放的进程而出现的特殊群体。随着我国经济、政治、文化等各项事业的持续快速发展,农村流动人口的规模和数量也在不断的膨胀。据2010年第六次全国人口普查的结果显示,大陆31个省、自治区、直辖市的人口中,居住地与户口登记地所在的乡镇街道不一致且离开户口登记地半年以上的人口为2.61亿人,同2000年第五次全国人口普查相比,居住地与户口登记地所在的乡镇街道不一致且离开户口登记地半年以上的人口增加1.16亿人,增长81.03%。大量的农村流动人口进入到城市,已经成为城市社会的一个重要组成部分,他们对我国的工业化和城市化建设做出突出贡献的同时,也产生了诸多的问题。农村流动人口选举权保障问题是这些问题中一个极其重要的方面,考察农村流动人口选举权保障问题具有重要意义。 选举权是国家宪法和法律赋予公民参与政治生活的一项基本的权利,具有普遍性、平等性,不可剥夺,更不能让与,关系到农村流动人口的切身利益。在宪政条件下,选举权已经成为衡量一个国家文明程度和民主程度的重要标志,公民通过行使这项权利选举自己的利益代表者,参与国家管理,实现其当家作主的权利。然而,在现行的制度和体制下,我国农村流动人口选举权利的实现却遭遇了种种障碍,无法得到切实有效的保障,严重影响了我国社会主义民主建设的发展。 本文在相关理论的基础上,运用定性和定量分析方法相结合、比较分析方法、规范分析方法等对我国当前农村流动人口选举权的保障现状和存在问题进行分析,通过公共政策执行的过程模型进一步分析存在问题的原因,并通过对浙江省宁波市关于流动人口选举模式的案例探讨,进而提出优化农村流动人口选举权的保障政策建议。论文主要包括六个方面的内容:第一部分,绪论简单阐述了对农村流动人口选举权保障的研究目的以及研究意义,并简要梳理了当前研究的现状。第二部分,阐述了农村流动人口的涵义以及范围、选举权的概念与性质,并运用公共政策执行相关理论、新制度经济学理论、马歇尔公民权理论和社会公正理论对农村流动人口选举权的保障进行了阐释。第三部分,通过公共政策执行的系统模型着重阐述了当前农村流动人口选举权保障的现存问题。第四部分,运用公共政策执行的过程模型分析造成农村流动人口选举权无法得到有效保障的原因。第五部分,通过对浙江省宁波市关于农村流动人口选举模式为案例进行分析,进而提出优化农村流动人口选举权的保障政策建议。第六部分,简单阐述了对本文研究的总结和期望。
[Abstract]:Rural floating population is a special group with the process of reform and opening up in China. With the rapid development of economy, politics, culture and so on, the scale and quantity of rural floating population are expanding. According to the results of the sixth National population Census in 2010, among the population of 31 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, 261 million people live in areas that are inconsistent with the townships and streets where the registered residence is located and who are more than half a year away from the registered residence. Compared with the fifth national census in 2000, the number of people who live in different places and leave the registered residence for more than six months increased by 116 million people, an increase of 81.03%. A large number of rural migrants have entered the city, which has become an important part of the urban society. They have made outstanding contributions to the industrialization and urbanization construction of our country, but at the same time, they have also produced a lot of problems. The guarantee of the rural floating population's right to vote is an extremely important aspect of these problems, and it is of great significance to investigate the guarantee of the rural floating population's right to vote. The right to vote is a basic right for citizens to participate in political life given by the constitution and law of the country. It is universal, equal, irrevocable, and can not be given up, and it is related to the vital interests of the rural floating population. Under the condition of constitutionalism, the right to vote has become an important symbol to measure the degree of civilization and democracy of a country. Citizens elect their own representatives of interests by exercising this right, participate in the management of the country, and realize their right to be masters of their own country. However, under the current system and system, the realization of the electoral rights of the rural floating population in our country has encountered various obstacles, which can not be effectively guaranteed, and has seriously affected the development of socialist democratic construction in China. On the basis of relevant theories, this paper uses qualitative and quantitative analysis methods, comparative analysis methods, normative analysis methods and so on to analyze the current situation and existing problems of voting rights of rural floating population in China. Through the process model of public policy implementation, this paper further analyzes the causes of the problems, and through the case study on the election model of floating population in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, puts forward some suggestions on how to optimize the voting rights of rural floating population. This paper mainly includes six aspects: the first part, the introduction briefly expounds the research purpose and significance of the rural floating population voting rights, and briefly combs the current research status. The second part expounds the meaning and scope of rural floating population, the concept and nature of the right to vote, and applies the relevant theories of public policy implementation, new institutional economics theory, Marshall's citizenship theory and social justice theory explain the guarantee of rural floating people's right to vote. In the third part, through the system model of public policy implementation, the paper expounds the existing problems of the rural floating population's voting right. The fourth part analyzes the reasons why the voting rights of rural floating population can not be effectively guaranteed by using the process model of public policy implementation. In the fifth part, the author analyzes the election model of rural floating population in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, and puts forward some suggestions on how to optimize the voting rights of rural floating population. In the sixth part, the author briefly expounds the summary and expectation of this paper.
[Abstract]:Rural floating population is a special group with the process of reform and opening up in China. With the rapid development of economy, politics, culture and so on, the scale and quantity of rural floating population are expanding. According to the results of the sixth National population Census in 2010, among the population of 31 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, 261 million people live in areas that are inconsistent with the townships and streets where the registered residence is located and who are more than half a year away from the registered residence. Compared with the fifth national census in 2000, the number of people who live in different places and leave the registered residence for more than six months increased by 116 million people, an increase of 81.03%. A large number of rural migrants have entered the city, which has become an important part of the urban society. They have made outstanding contributions to the industrialization and urbanization construction of our country, but at the same time, they have also produced a lot of problems. The guarantee of the rural floating population's right to vote is an extremely important aspect of these problems, and it is of great significance to investigate the guarantee of the rural floating population's right to vote. The right to vote is a basic right for citizens to participate in political life given by the constitution and law of the country. It is universal, equal, irrevocable, and can not be given up, and it is related to the vital interests of the rural floating population. Under the condition of constitutionalism, the right to vote has become an important symbol to measure the degree of civilization and democracy of a country. Citizens elect their own representatives of interests by exercising this right, participate in the management of the country, and realize their right to be masters of their own country. However, under the current system and system, the realization of the electoral rights of the rural floating population in our country has encountered various obstacles, which can not be effectively guaranteed, and has seriously affected the development of socialist democratic construction in China. On the basis of relevant theories, this paper uses qualitative and quantitative analysis methods, comparative analysis methods, normative analysis methods and so on to analyze the current situation and existing problems of voting rights of rural floating population in China. Through the process model of public policy implementation, this paper further analyzes the causes of the problems, and through the case study on the election model of floating population in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, puts forward some suggestions on how to optimize the voting rights of rural floating population. This paper mainly includes six aspects: the first part, the introduction briefly expounds the research purpose and significance of the rural floating population voting rights, and briefly combs the current research status. The second part expounds the meaning and scope of rural floating population, the concept and nature of the right to vote, and applies the relevant theories of public policy implementation, new institutional economics theory, Marshall's citizenship theory and social justice theory explain the guarantee of rural floating people's right to vote. In the third part, through the system model of public policy implementation, the paper expounds the existing problems of the rural floating population's voting right. The fourth part analyzes the reasons why the voting rights of rural floating population can not be effectively guaranteed by using the process model of public policy implementation. In the fifth part, the author analyzes the election model of rural floating population in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, and puts forward some suggestions on how to optimize the voting rights of rural floating population. In the sixth part, the author briefly expounds the summary and expectation of this paper.
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