[Abstract]:Constitutional government is a kind of political idea generally accepted by the contemporary international community, and it is a mature and reasonable political system. The contemporary constitutional thought mainly originates from the West, and the pursuit of the source of the western constitutional thought should be traced back to the ancient Greek and Roman period. The purpose of this paper is, on the one hand, to explore the constitutional thought of ancient Greece and Rome, to study the connotation of constitutional thought of ancient Greece and Rome; on the other hand, to combine the western constitutional thought with the actual situation of China. In the structure of the article, this paper is mainly divided into four chapters. The introduction mainly expounds the research review at home and abroad, the definition of the concept of constitutionalism, the contents and methods of the study, the significance and shortcomings of the study. The first three chapters mainly study the development of constitutional thought in ancient Greece, Greeks and Rome according to the order of time. In terms of constitutional thought, the Greek period inherited and developed the constitutional thought of ancient Greece, and the ancient Roman period inherited and developed the constitutional thought of ancient Greece and Greek period. The fourth chapter describes the influence of ancient Greek and Roman constitutional thought on western modern constitutional thought and its reference significance to our country. The constitutional thought of ancient Greece and Rome has an important influence on the western modern constitutional thought. On the one hand, this influence is the influence of a constitutional element; on the other hand, it is the orthodox inheritance of the western modern constitutional thought of ancient Greece and Rome. However, the western modern constitutional thought has made great progress on the basis of inheriting the ancient Greek and Roman constitutional thought, and many things of modern western constitutional government have not been found before. The second part of the fourth chapter discusses the reference significance of ancient Greek and Roman constitutional thought to our country. The study of western constitutional thought in China is not directly from ancient Greece and Rome, but mainly from the constitutional thought of western civil law system in modern times, and then developed into constitutional thought with Chinese characteristics according to the national conditions of our country. However, because our country and the West are different in history, civilization, customs and so on, how to apply the western constitutional thought to the constitutional practice of our country has always been a difficult problem, and it is also the deficiency of this paper. The thought of order, legal system, democracy and equality in ancient Greece, the discovery of individuals in the Greek period, the thought of contract in the world, and the thought of contract in the Greek period. In the mixed regime of ancient Rome, the thought of legal equality promoted the gestation and development of western constitutional thought, and played an important role in the formation of western constitutional thought and even the whole western political and ideological system. The constitutional thought in ancient Greece and Rome had a profound influence on the development of modern western constitutional thought. The most important influence is that through the Renaissance and Enlightenment, thinkers look for, explore and study many ideas of ancient Greece and Rome, mainly democracy, legal system, separation of powers and checks and balances, equality, freedom and so on. Thinkers genius built a democratic constitutional country with modern significance in thought, and then established advanced constitutional system countries such as Britain, France, the United States and so on in practice. This is the modern significance of the elements of ancient Greek and Roman constitutional thought. From the point of view of China, China mainly introduces the constitutional thought of modern western countries and develops the constitutional state system with Chinese characteristics according to Chinese tradition and national conditions. However, the introduction of western constitutional thought, without in-depth study of ancient Greek and Roman constitutional thought, such a study is not profound after all. Therefore, we can draw lessons from the constitutional thought of ancient Greece and Rome while developing the constitutional country with Chinese characteristics.
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