发布时间:2017-12-27 04:28
本文关键词:基于法官集体经验的量刑预测研究 出处:《法学研究》2016年06期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:There are various combinations of statutory sentencing circumstances in specific cases, but there are no specific legal provisions for sentencing in multi plot cases, which leads to uncertain sentencing results in such cases. With more than fourteen traffic accident crime cases as samples, the deterministic test of the sentencing discretion by that limit the extent of sentencing, sentencing uncertainty such cases can be increased from 30.5% to 51.1%; the control sample dispersion degree on the basis of this, the sentencing uncertainty further increased from 51.1% to 73.4%. The sentencing model based on this can be used in sentencing prediction, to promote judicial justice and to improve the level of trial management. It is an effective way to improve the determinacy of sentencing by inducing the collective experience of judges to guide the practice of sentencing.
【作者单位】: 北京大学法学院;
【正文快照】: 一、量刑规则真空与量刑结果不确定 法的确定性、行为后果的可预期性,是法治社会的基本特征。然而,尽管刑法总则、分则对刑罚裁量都有规定,量刑过程中还是存在一个规则真空:实践中当一个案件有数个量刑情节时,数个情节便有多种可能的组合,而法律只能对单个情节应当从轻、减轻,