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发布时间:2018-01-12 11:10

  本文关键词:中国环境资源犯罪的治理模式:当下选择与理性调适 出处:《法制与社会发展》2016年05期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 环境资源犯罪 治理模式 运动型治理 常规性治理

[Abstract]:Environmental protection has become the national governance policy. The current environmental resources crime governance too dependent on administrative concerns, too much emphasis on the strength of the crackdown, one-sided pursuit of the fight efficiency. The use of sports governance means far more than conventional governance means. Environmental and resource crime sports governance, belong to the palliative action, although it can win time for the crime management. However, it is urgent to overcome the drawbacks of emergency and utility. The rational development of the conventional governance model of environmental and resource crime should be clear that the motivation of its realization is bottom-up. The implementation of the model is top-down. The key to effectively link up the two "funnel-type" processes in the investigation and handling of environmental violations is to promote the environmental administrative illegal cases to be transferred to the criminal case according to law and not to be transferred to the criminal case. In order to solve the problem, we should perfect the rules of environmental protection administrative law enforcement for reference of criminal liability for environmental and resource crimes. Aiming at the problem of narrow punishment scope and lighter penalty setting in environmental and resource crimes. It is necessary to appropriately expand the circle of environmental and resource crimes by adjusting the existing elements of criminal establishment, at the same time, to raise the legal maximum penalty of the principal punishment and to stipulate the special non-penalty measures for restoring ecology.
【作者单位】: 山东大学法学院;
【基金】:国家社科基金后期资助项目“环境资源犯罪常规性治理研究”(14FFX038) 山东省法学会项目“蓝色经济区海洋生态刑事保护的对策研究”(SLS(2015)F7)
【正文快照】: 绿色发展理念具有战略性、纲领性。生态文明建设是绿色发展理念的基本抓手。规范、促进、保障生态文明建设需要形成绿色法治思维,环境资源领域的良善治理有助于绿色法治思维的尽快形成与周全提升。对环境而言,人类自己构建的庞大社会和思想体系始终具有重大意义。(1)环境问题


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