发布时间:2018-01-24 04:50
本文关键词: 民刑模糊案件 民法评价 刑法评价 民刑综判 出处:《辽宁警察学院学报》2016年06期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The public security practice needs to clarify and solve one of the problems that is civil and criminal cross cases. This paper selects typical cases to understand the difficulties in public security practice: civil and criminal vague cases. First, the use of civil law and criminal law. The qualitative analysis is carried out respectively, and then the civil and criminal punishment is used together to make a comprehensive judgment of the civil penalty. Thus, the relationship and attributes of the case are clarified, and the nature of the case and the corresponding treatment are systematically studied and judged.
【作者单位】: 辽宁警察学院法学部;
【正文快照】: 民刑交叉案件是公安实务亟需厘清与解决的问题之一。此类案件数量并不尽少,棘手性颇强、疑难性较大,复杂性较强,易引发并实质引发上访事件,造成公安执法颇多困境、压力与尴尬,实亟待寻求相应解难之策。一、案例回顾甲欠乙一万元,订立欠条,订立抵押协议将甲车抵押给乙,口头约定,