发布时间:2018-02-23 12:08
本文关键词: 戏 戏杀 法律规范 比较 文化观念 出处:《武汉大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:在中国古代历朝刑律中,杀人罪都被统治者视为严重的犯罪而进行惩处。杀人罪根据主观罪过形态形成了 "七杀"的认定体系。戏杀罪作为其中之一,与其他杀人罪有明显的不同。它是过失杀人中细分出的独立罪名,是处理独特情景下过失犯的特殊法律规定,并且这种划分为中国所独有。"戏"指的是角力比武之类的技艺比较或日常生活中的戏谑玩耍,"杀"表示发生致人死亡的后果,当戏与杀之间存在直接因果关系时便可成立戏杀罪,由致害方承担相应的刑事责任。该罪萌生于秦汉时期,消亡于清末,可谓由来已久、历史悠长。这个存续过程中,各朝分别对戏杀罪进行了不同程度的定义或限制,使得该罪在纵向上呈现出动态的变化。秦朝"比剑"、"戏而伤婴"的记载表明在汉以前的社会生活中已经存在因戏而杀伤人的现实情况。汉初的《二年律令》则第一次明确规定了"戏杀"这一罪名,但规则极为简单。汉代司法实践中又多采用"原心论罪",赋予法官极大的自由裁量权。这种情况在晋朝有了很大改变。张斐给出了"两和相害谓之戏"的经典定义,对戏杀罪的主观心态、工具手段、身份限制、因果关系等都进行了相对详细的规定,形成了客观法定情节。而唐律在此基础上进一步完善,不仅给出"以力共戏,至死和同"的更为具体的定义,还依据主观过错程度、行为方式、戏的对象、具体情境的不同,系统地将戏杀罪划分为普通犯、加重犯和法律拟制三大类,量刑亦各分层级。此外,"戏""杀"之间的因果关系的判定规则也更为客观、具体。宋朝完全承袭唐律戏杀之规定,元朝则在沿袭中稍加变化。明、清一方面继承了戏杀罪名,另一方面大量压缩戏杀的范围将其限定于"可堪杀人"之中,采取虚拟重刑规则处罚,再以秋审程序例行减刑。之后,由于西方法制的冲击,戏杀罪随着"七杀"体系的瓦解在清末修律的过程中彻底消失。戏杀罪流变的各阶段可以说既一脉相承、又各具特色。其中,以汉、晋、唐、元、清最具代表性。本文在梳理流变过程后,重点比较了汉唐律、唐元律、唐清律在"戏"的定义、规范内容、归罪标准和量刑轻重等方面的不同。通过对比,得出了戏杀罪在整个纵向变化发展过程中客观归罪主义不断加强、量刑逐步加重以及审查、审判与审结权限始终分离的三大规律。透过这些动态规律,从更宏观的角度整体把握戏杀罪,可以发现:作为中国独有的特殊罪名,戏杀罪极具中国立法特色。其一,该罪将主观过错标准与客观归罪原则有机融合,主观过错程度是划分该罪量刑轻重的依据,但归罪标准却是客观法定的外在工具、场景、身份。其二,该罪的立法技术以类型思维为主、概念思维为辅。先以类型法尽可能涵盖戏杀各种情节,不能涵盖时以概念要素作为补充。其三,该罪规制的内容对应的是西方刑法中的违法阻却事由,中西采用了完全不同的立法思维和方式。然而,之所以会出现这些规律和特色,归根结底是深层的文化因素所致——中国传统的天道观、王道观、孝道观和公道观。这些思维观念共同作用,最终导致了戏杀罪的上述状况。
[Abstract]:In ancient Chinese criminal law Chinese, homicide is regarded as the ruler of serious crime and punishment. Homicide has formed "the identification system of Qisha according to the subjective form of murder. The play as one of them, which was different from the other murder. It is independent from charges of manslaughter in fine, is special legal provisions unique scenario of negligent crime, and this division is unique to Chinese." play "refers to such a comparison or wrestling contest skills in daily life tease and play" kill "said the occurrence of death caused by the consequences, when there is a direct causal relationship between drama and drama can be set up to kill murder, the damage caused by the parties bear the criminal responsibility of the crime. Adorable was born in Qin and Han Dynasties, disappearing in the late Qing Dynasty, is a long-standing, long history. The survival process, in the murder of the play of different degree of definition or limit System, make this crime shows a dynamic change in the longitudinal direction. The Qin Dynasty "than the sword", "play and hurt the baby" the records show that the reality of the situation because of the play and killing people before the Han Dynasty already exists in the social life. In the early Han Dynasty < two years law > is first defined "play to kill" the charges, but the rules are very simple. The judicial practice in the use of "heart essence", the discretion of judges. This situation has greatly changed in the Jin Dynasty. Zhang Fei gives the classical definition of "two and the harm that play", to play to kill crimesubjective mentality, tools, identity constraints, causal relations are relatively detailed provisions, formulate the objective legal circumstances. And the further perfect, not only gives a total force to play, and with a more specific definition, according to the degree of subjective fault, behavior mode, play the object of the specific situation 涓嶅悓,绯荤粺鍦板皢鎴忔潃缃垝鍒嗕负鏅,