发布时间:2018-03-16 01:00
本文选题:死刑 切入点:民意 出处:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:李昌奎案是我国近年来在死刑判例上存在着较大争议的案件,经过了一审判处死刑立即执行,二审判处死刑缓期执行以及再审判处死刑立即执行三个阶段。其中,在二审法院宣布判处李昌奎死刑缓期执行后,全国的舆论几乎一边倒地表达出对审判结果的不理解,认为量刑过轻,要求李昌奎判处死刑立即执行。 在舆论界强烈的反应背后是以强大的民意作为支持的,以至于学术界存在一种观点即:民意绑架了司法,,学术界和舆论界在对待李昌奎是否应当执行死刑上有着较为尖锐的矛盾。而这种民意对死刑的态度是本文研究了重点,就李昌奎案而言,民意是持支持死刑的,其中的原因有三个方面:一是对于李昌奎的家人而言,古老的血亲复仇主义是其最能代表他们的情绪,他们所追求的死刑结果实际上是希望用司法手段代替他们不能的复仇手段而完成复仇。二是对于其他与李昌奎有共同生活的圈子的人而言,他们对于李昌奎追求死刑,更多的是出于人类本性中免于恐惧的需要,他们希望司法机关能够一劳永逸的解决掉李昌奎这个威胁,而不至于有死灰复燃的一天。三是对于普通民众而言,他们更多是出于传统的正义感,这种正义感即是“杀人偿命”,“杀人偿命”并非现代法律追求的结果但却是人类长期传统遗留下的一个习惯,因此普通民众更愿意这种习惯保持下去。 在当今的国际的刑罚潮流中,死刑已经被逐渐视为不够人性的刑罚手段,在绝大多数国家都被选择废除死刑。但是在存在死刑的国家,阻碍废除死刑的最为有影响的原因并非是国家上层建筑的意志而是普通民众的死刑观点——死刑民意。 死刑民意是各国死刑文化所遗留的结果,虽然各国的死刑文化有所差异,但在死刑民意上却保持有相同的特征,这种特征主要有两个方面:一方面是死刑民意具有稳定性,在稳定社会不同时期,支持死刑的民众的数量是较为稳定,这种稳定不会因为上层建筑的政策而得到改变,因为它仅仅是死刑文化的遗留体现。另一方面是死刑民意也具有波动性,当社会情况存在着较为剧烈的变化的时候,支持死刑的民众数目会突然的增加或者减少,这种变化可能是由于具体的犯罪引起的,也可能是由于犯罪率而引起的,以及其他如死刑知识的普及等因素引起的。 对于我国而言,无论死刑改革如何发展,死刑民意是不能避开的一个课题。只有正确的认识死刑民意的稳定性和充分的利用死刑民意的波动性才能将死刑改革发挥出最大的效果,同时也能更为平和的被民众所接受。
[Abstract]:The Li Changkui case is in our country in recent years on the death penalty case controversial cases, after a trial at the immediate execution of death penalty, two sentenced to death with a two-year suspension of execution and re trial in three stages the immediate execution of death penalty. Among them, in the second instance court sentenced Li Changkui announced the death sentence with a reprieve, the public almost overwhelmingly expression do not understand the outcome of the trial, said the sentence was too light, Li Changkui sentenced to death immediately.
Behind the strong public opinion reaction is a strong public opinion as support, so that a view that existing in the academic circles: the public kidnapped judicial, academic and public opinion in the treatment of whether Li Changkui should be executed on a relatively sharp contradiction between the public opinion and attitude. On the death penalty is the focus of this study. Li Changkui case, public opinion is to support the death penalty, the reason has three aspects: one is for the family of Li Changkui, the ancient blood revenge doctrine is the most representative of their emotions, the death penalty results they pursue is actually hope by judicial means they cannot replace the revenge means complete revenge the two is for the other. And Li Changkui has the common life of people, their pursuit of the death penalty for Li Changkui, more out of human nature from fear, they hope The judicial authorities can resolve the threat once and for all Li Changkui, and not a day. The three is a stirring among the dry bones for ordinary people, they are more out of the traditional sense of justice, the sense of justice is "Sharenchangming", "Sharenchangming" is not the pursuit of modern law results but it is a long tradition of human. The habit of leaving, so ordinary people are more willing to continue this habit.