本文选题:钱权交易 切入点:交易型受贿 出处:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:在2007年7月8号,我国最高人民法院联合最高人民检察院公开发布了《关于办理受贿刑事案件适用法律若干问题的意见》(下文简称《意见》)。在《意见》中我国最高检和最高法对什么是交易型受贿犯罪作出了相关规定。本文就从什么是交易型受贿、交易型受贿的特点并结合相关案例分析在实际的司法过程中,交易型受贿存在的困难和问题。本文从四个方面进行阐述。第一部分从法学理论基础的角度论证了交易型受贿的内涵及本质特征,并得出了其钱权交易的实质内涵结论。同时,从交易型受贿犯罪在犯罪构成要件上的四个方面进行分析,既有其和普通犯罪的共同特征,也有其独特的特点。第二部分着重分析了交易型受贿的特征和行为模式。特征主要表现在交易物品的价值不对等性;在交易过程中呈现出合法性,但是究其实质存在着不合法性;交易的对象并不是进行贿赂的对象等行为。交易型受贿的行为模式主要分为:"以明显低于市场价的价格买入房屋或者其他大件贵重物品""以明显高于市场价很多的价格卖出大件贵重物品的"和"其他交易形式"等三种模式。第三部分着重分析的是在司法实践过程中,交易型受贿犯罪认定中存在的问题和困难。这也是进行交易型受贿犯罪研究的重点。本文从实践操作、案件解析等角度进行研究,明确了以市场价格作为受贿数额认定的基准,并确定了 "交易时"的节点。并判断在"交易中"交易的价格是明显高于还是低于市场均价为判断标准。综合考虑交易价格的差额占据的比例以及房屋地段、经济发展水平等因素。在判定优惠购物是否属于交易型受贿罪时,我们应该把握住两个基本点:第一,判断该优惠购物是否是事先准备的,第二,必须是不针对特定的人。在判断犯罪是否完成时,我们应该按照受贿方是否真实占有受贿物为判断标准。第四个部分主要通过指出在实践过程中《意见》的不适合指出,并提出一定的意见和建议。其中包括立法方面的建议,可以将交易型受贿中交易物的认定范围进行扩大,并且在追缴中,对于如何追缴进行规章制度的规定。司法解释建议中包括目前规定的"明显高于和明显低于"这两个判断标准的规定。在优惠购物中增加"不针对特定对象"这一规定条件,对没有办理所有权转让的交易行为,认定为未遂,同时对于受贿金额的认定、计算进行更加明确的规定。
[Abstract]:On 8 July 2007, In conjunction with the Supreme people's Procuratorate, the Supreme people's Court of our country publicly issued the opinions on the Application of Law in handling Criminal cases of bribery (hereinafter referred to as "opinions"). It is a transactional bribery crime that has made relevant provisions. This article starts with what is transactional bribery. The characteristics of transactional bribery and the analysis of relevant cases in the actual judicial process, This paper expounds the difficulties and problems of transactional bribery from four aspects. The first part demonstrates the connotation and essential characteristics of transactional bribery from the angle of the theoretical basis of law, and draws the essential connotation conclusion of its money right transaction. By analyzing the four aspects of the crime of transactional bribery in the elements of crime, it has the common characteristics of the common crime and the common crime. The second part mainly analyzes the characteristics and behavior patterns of transactional bribery. But there is illegality in its essence; The object of the transaction is not the object of bribery. The behavior pattern of transactional bribery is mainly divided into: "to buy a house or other large valuables at a price significantly below the market price" in order to be significantly higher than the market price. The third part focuses on the analysis of the three modes of selling large valuables "and" other forms of trading. The third part focuses on the process of judicial practice, Problems and difficulties in the identification of transactional bribery crime. This is also the focus of the research on transactional bribery crime. This paper, from the perspective of practical operation and case analysis, makes clear that the market price is used as the benchmark for determining the amount of bribery. It also determines the node of "transaction time" and determines whether the price of the transaction is significantly higher or lower than the market average price in the "transaction". Considering the proportion of the difference in the transaction price and the housing location, Economic development level and other factors. When judging whether preferential shopping is a transactional crime of accepting bribes, we should grasp two basic points: first, to judge whether the preferential shopping is prepared in advance; and second, It must not be directed at a particular person. In judging whether the crime has been committed, we should judge whether the bribe-taking party actually possesses the bribe. The fourth part is mainly by pointing out the unsuitability of opinion in the course of practice. And put forward certain opinions and suggestions. Including legislative suggestions, we can expand the scope of the identification of transactional bribery transactions, and in the process of recovery, With regard to the provisions on how to recover and carry out the rules and regulations. The proposal of judicial interpretation includes the current provision of "obviously higher or lower than" these two criteria, and the addition of the specified condition of "not targeting specific objects" in preferential shopping. The transaction without transfer of ownership is regarded as attempted, and the calculation of the amount of bribery is more explicit.
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