发布时间:2018-03-29 08:39
本文选题:出售 切入点:非法提供公民个人信息罪 出处:《华东政法大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:2009年《刑法修正案(七)》针对侵犯公民个人信息现象频发的实际情况,增设出售、非法提供公民个人信息罪和非法获取公民个人信息罪作为我国《刑法》第二百五十三条之一的第一、二款,借以打击严重侵犯公民个人信息安全的犯罪行为。虽然我国在《个人信息保护法》尚未出台的情况下对两罪名的增设实际上是民法未动、刑法先行,大有违反刑法二次性违法理论之嫌,但面对严峻的社会现实,刑法对公民个人信息保护的提前介入是极为必要的。两罪名的增设唤醒了社会公众维护个人信息安全的法律意识,我国刑法理论界和实务界对两罪名在惩处和遏制个人信息犯罪方面寄予厚望。 然而,新事物在初生之际总会遇到困难和阻碍,,实际上,两罪名在近五年的适用过程中,并未发挥为人所期待的效果,这集中表现为侵害公民个人信息安全现象依然严重,而两罪名的司法适用显有不足,社会公众对个人信息受侵深有体会,却又感到违法犯罪行为得不到有效控制。与此同时,刑事司法实务人员也多认为当前两罪名在法律适用上存在障碍,其中以出售、非法提供公民个人信息罪的适用最为困难。该罪主要针对信息来源问题,重点打击在正常状态下有权接触并获得公民个人信息的单位及其工作人员违反国家规定擅自将其所掌握的信息提供给他人的严重违法行为,致力于从源头上控制侵害公民个人信息犯罪,其立法意图值得推崇。在逻辑上,把好信息安全的源头关对于预防和打击侵害公民个人信息安全犯罪最具价值,然而出售、非法提供公民个人信息罪面临的英雄无用武之地的尴尬局面使我们不得不反思其原因,并寻求有效的决绝之道。 本文针对出售、非法提供公民个人信息罪在刑事司法实践中存在的适用难题,旨在分析问题存在的原因,探究解决问题的对策。因此,本文在结构上分为三个部分:第一部分为本文第一章,出售、非法提供公民个人信息罪的概述,主要从刑法学理论角度阐释出售、非法提供公民个人信息罪的立法背景、意义以及本罪名的定义、构成要件等内容。第二部分为本文的第二章至第四章,对出售、非法提供公民个人信息罪在适用中存在的三方面常见问题(公民个人信息概念不明的问题、犯罪主体范畴解释的问题、缺乏具体入罪标准的问题)进行分析,继而提出具有针对性和可操作性的对策。第三部分为本文结语,对本文前述问题进行总结性论述。 为了更加科学的对出售、非法提供公民个人信息罪进行刑法学分析,本文主要运用概念分析方法、文献研究方法、比较方法、社会调查方法及案例分析方法等法学研究方法,从不同角度对本论题进行深入研究,力求通过客观、严谨的论证过程,得出具有应用价值的合理结论。
[Abstract]:In 2009, the Criminal Law Amendment (7) aimed at the actual situation of frequent violations of citizens' personal information, The crime of illegally providing personal information to citizens and the crime of illegally obtaining personal information of citizens are the first and second paragraphs of Article 253 of the Criminal Law of our country. In order to crack down on the crime of seriously violating the personal information security of citizens. Although the addition of two charges in our country under the circumstances of the Law on the Protection of personal Information has not yet been promulgated, in fact the civil law has not been moved, and the criminal law is leading the way. There is a great suspicion of violating the theory of secondary violation of the criminal law, but in the face of severe social reality, it is extremely necessary for the criminal law to intervene in advance in the protection of citizens' personal information. The establishment of the two charges has awakened the public's legal consciousness of maintaining the security of personal information. The theory and practice of criminal law in our country place great hope in punishing and curbing personal information crime. However, new things always encounter difficulties and obstacles when they are born. In fact, in the process of application of the two charges in the past five years, they have not played the desired effect, which concentrated on the fact that the phenomenon of infringing on citizens' personal information security is still serious. But the judicial application of the two charges is obviously inadequate, the public has a deep understanding of personal information, but they feel that illegal and criminal behavior can not be effectively controlled at the same time, Criminal justice practitioners also think that there are obstacles in the application of the law for the current two crimes, among which the crime of selling and illegally providing citizens' personal information is the most difficult one. The crime is mainly aimed at the problem of the source of information. Focusing on cracking down on serious illegal acts by units and their staff members who have the right to have access to and obtain personal information from citizens under normal conditions and who, in violation of state regulations, provide information in their possession to others without authorization, In order to control the crime of infringing personal information from the source, its legislative intention is worthy of praise. Logically, it is the most valuable for preventing and combating the crime of infringing personal information security to close the source of good information security. The embarrassing situation that the heroes have no chance to display their talents in the crime of illegally providing citizens' personal information makes us have to reflect on its causes and seek effective ways to resolve them. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the causes of the problem and explore the countermeasures to solve the problem, aiming at the difficult problem of the crime of selling and illegally providing personal information of citizens in the criminal justice practice. The structure of this paper is divided into three parts: the first part is the summary of the crime of illegally providing citizens' personal information, which mainly explains the legislative background of the crime of selling and illegally providing personal information of citizens from the angle of criminal law theory. The meaning, the definition of the crime, the elements of the crime and so on. The second part is divided into the second chapter of this article, chapters 2 to 4, the sale, There are three common problems in the application of the crime of illegally providing citizens' personal information, such as the problem of unclear concept of citizen's personal information, the problem of explaining the category of criminal subject, the lack of specific standard of incrimination, etc. The third part is the conclusion of this paper. In order to scientifically analyze the crime of selling and illegally providing citizens' personal information, this paper mainly uses the methods of concept analysis, literature research, comparison, social investigation and case analysis, etc. From different angles, this thesis is studied deeply, and through the objective and rigorous argumentation process, a reasonable conclusion with application value is obtained.
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