发布时间:2018-04-18 09:23
本文选题:拒不支付劳动报酬 + 劳动者 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:一个国家经济的发展,往往伴随着城市化。随之而来的是城市化过程中不可避免的一系列的社会问题。农民工用工问题正是其中的一种表现。中国是制造业大国,中国经济的发展离不开制造业的发展。而制造业属于第二产业,是一种劳动密集型产业。所以,制造业的发展离不开劳动力。巨大的劳动力缺口,完备的生活服务设施,较高的工资收入水平,像一块巨大的磁铁,吸引着广大农村的劳动力。于是,越来越多的农民放弃了原有的耕种生活,远离家乡故土来到城市,成为了新的一族“农民工”。本来,农民工来到城市,挥汗如雨,用自己的辛勤劳动为社会经济的发展作出了很大的贡献,同时也可以为自己及家人带来一笔可观的收入,过上更为幸福的生活。然而,一些用工者和用工单位却利用各种理由恶意拖欠他们的工资,少则几千多则几万,短则几个月多则几年。工资被拖欠,断了生活来源的工人们被逼无奈,只好穷尽各种方法来为自己讨薪。随着越来越多的讨薪事件出现在公众的视野,恶意拖欠工资的行为是否应该纳入刑法的规制范围成了学理界和民众广泛关注和讨论的问题。终于,《刑法修正案(八)》给了大家一个交代,惩治恶意欠薪行为有了刑法依据。然而,在学术理论界,对该罪是否应该纳入刑法规制和该行为入罪后存在的缺陷的讨论却没有就此停止。时隔近两年之后,最高人民法院又出台了《关于审理拒不支付劳动报酬刑事案件适用法律若干问题的解释》(以下简称新司法解释),使该罪的实施有了具体的操作规范。随着该司法解释的出台和正式施行,学者们也把研究和讨论的方向转移到了对新司法解释的解读和完善上面。 现在,距离新司法解释的发布实施,已经又过去了一年多。我们可以看到,由于该司法解释的出台,拒不支付劳动报酬罪得到了更加有效的实施,全国拒不支付劳动报酬罪的犯罪发生率显著降低,各种拒不支付劳动报酬的案件似乎正在渐渐淡出公众的视线。新司法解释之所以让恶意拖欠工资的行为发生率降低了很多,公安机关的相关立案的案件总量和各级人民法院的审结案件总量提高了很多,是因为它有着许多让人无法忽视的优点和亮点。新司法解释从立法理念和立法技术上都体现了其先进性,明确了入罪和出罪的标准,不仅体现出了我国宽严相济的刑事政策,更在一定程度上显示出了法律的灵活性。不可否认,新司法解释看似完美,对存在广泛争议和司法实践操作中存在的一些问题都作出了具体的解释和界定,但是无论是从学术理论层面还是从基层的司法实践者的反馈来看,这一新入罪的罪名在实际应用中仍存在着一些大大小小的问题或者缺憾。通过前期资料收集和对本罪在国外的立法情况、国内现实中的实施情况的汇总分析,结合有关专家学者的研究讨论成果,运用对比研究和综合研究的方法,提出了新司法解释中仍然存在着诸如劳动者的范围和劳动报酬的内涵仍然不够明晰,对有能力支付中的“有能力”没有界定,认定数额较大的时间标准应该是累加还是连续,政府有关部门中的“有关部门”规定模糊,政府的责令形式过于单一等共计十一项的缺陷或不足。本文遵循了先认识后分析然后找不足最后进行改善的研究原则,首先对本罪作了细致的梳理与分析,然后提出了现存的不足,最后给出了较为详尽的完善建议,以期起到抛砖引玉的作用,为更好的保护劳动者的合法权益贡献一份力量。
[Abstract]:One of the country's economic development, often accompanied by the city. There is a series of social problems are inevitable in the process of city. The employment problems of migrant workers is one performance. Chinese is a big manufacturing country, the development of Chinese economy cannot do without manufacturing. The manufacturing industry belongs to the second industry. Is a labor-intensive industry. Therefore, the development of the manufacturing industry cannot do without labor. A huge gap in the labor force, complete living facilities, higher wages, like a huge magnet, attracted a large number of rural labor force. So, more and more farmers to abandon the original life of farming. Back away from his hometown to the city, has become a new family of "migrant workers". Originally, migrant workers came to the city, perspiration comes down like raindrops with their own hard work, made a great contribution to the development of society and economy, at the same time Can bring considerable income for themselves and their families, live happier life. However, some employers and employers are using a variety of reasons of malicious arrears of their wages, a few thousands, tens of thousands, as short as a few months to several years. Wage arrears, broken lives from workers they were forced to, but all ways to please pay for themselves. With more and more Taoxin events appear in the public eye, malicious wage arrears behavior should be included in the scope of criminal law regulation has become the academic circles and the public attention and discuss problems. Finally, "criminal law amendment (eight)" to as a replacement, punishing the malicious acts are criminal law basis. However, in academic circles, the crime should discuss the defects in criminal law and the crime problems did not stop after a lapse of nearly two years. After the Supreme People's Court issued the "on the trial of refusing to pay labor remuneration applicable law in Criminal Cases Interpretation of several issues" (hereinafter referred to as the new judicial interpretation), allows the implementation of the crime with specific practices. With the introduction of the judicial interpretation and formally implemented, the scholars also study and discuss the direction of transfer to the interpretation of the new judicial interpretation and improve it.
Now, from the new judicial interpretation promulgated and has been more than a year later. We can see that because of the introduction of the judicial interpretation, the crime of refusing to pay remuneration has been implemented more effectively, the crime of refusing to pay labor remuneration crime rate decreased significantly, all cases of refusing to pay labor remuneration. Seems to gradually fade out of the public eye. The new judicial interpretation of the reason for malicious wage arrears behavior incidence rate is much reduced, the public security organs of the relevant filing cases and the total of the local people's courts concluded the total cases have improved a lot, because it has a lot of people can not ignore the advantages and highlights of the new judicial interpretation are reflected. The advanced ideas from the legislative and legislative technology, the crime and crime of the standard, not only reflects China's criminal policy of combining punishment with leniency, but to a certain extent display The flexibility of law. It is undeniable that the new judicial interpretation of the seemingly perfect dispute and existed in judicial practice some problems have made specific explanation and definition, but whether it is from the academic level or feedback from the grassroots judicial practitioner's point of view, this new crime in practice the application still has some shortcomings. The problems or through preliminary data collection and for this crime in foreign legislation, summary analysis of the implementation of domestic in reality, combined with the study of the relevant experts and scholars to discuss the results, by means of comparative research and comprehensive research, put forward the new judicial interpretation still exist in connotation such as the scope of workers and labor remuneration is still not clear, to have the ability to pay the "ability" is not defined, that a large amount of time should be standard Cumulative or continuous, the relevant government departments in the "relevant departments" vague provisions, or insufficient government order form is too single and a total of eleven defects. This paper follows the analysis principle and find insufficiency finally improved first understanding, first combing and detailed analysis of this crime, and then puts forward the existing insufficient, finally detailed suggestions, in order to play a role, contribution to the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of better a force.
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