本文选题:农村基层组织人员 + 准国家工作人员 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Since the 18th National Congress of the Party, under the view of governing the country according to law, our country has increased the punishment for illegal and criminal acts such as corruption, in an effort to return the society to clean up its spirit with the wind. As the most basic village self-governing organization in our country, the phenomenon of "village official giant rot" occurred in some places is shocking, and the problem of corruption of rural grass-roots organization personnel caused by this phenomenon is alarming. Through the analysis of two cases of rural grass-roots organization personnel encroaching on public property or collective property by taking advantage of their posts, it is proposed that the rural grassroots organization personnel, such as villagers' committees, have quasi-state staff status, and members of the rural party branch. The members of the villagers' committee, the village leaders, and the members of the village collective economic organizations, when assisting the people's governments in carrying out the seven major types of official duties, belong to "other personnel engaged in public service in accordance with the law", which may constitute the main body of the crime of corruption. At the same time, the personnel of rural grass-roots organizations are not of course state functionaries. Only when they are engaged in public service according to law can they have the status of state functionaries. At this time, they use their posts to facilitate the embezzlement of public property. To become the subject of corruption. At present, there are some blind spots between the frequent corruption of rural grassroots organization personnel and the legislation on corruption of rural grass-roots organization personnel, and some misunderstandings exist in the position behavior of the rural grass-roots organization personnel corruption. The judicial jurisdiction procedure of corruption in rural grass-roots organizations is closely related. It is necessary to strengthen the legal regulation from the angle of legislation and judicature in the field of governing the country according to law, and bring the personnel of rural grass-roots organizations into the subject of corruption crime. Scientific identification and legal norms, and finally show the mission of the times of the rule of law.
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