本文选题:居间行为 + 毒品相关犯罪 ; 参考:《安徽财经大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Drugs are a social plague. Whoever is contaminated with drugs will not only ruin his future, but also his family. Since the 1980s, the economy of our country has developed rapidly, and the number of people contaminated with various kinds of drugs has been rising step by step, which has become a turbulent factor which can not be ignored in our society. As one of the world's public hazards, drug crime is a difficult problem that puzzles the governments of various countries at present. In China, drug crime has brought serious damage to public order, which is inconsistent with the development concept of harmonious society in our country and must be stopped in time. Intermediary refers to the agreement between the buyer and seller to reach a contract of purchase and sale. There is a kind of behavior in drug crime, because of the diversity of forms in real cases and the lack of legal provisions, this kind of behavior is often dissociated from crime and non-crime, and this crime is on the edge of that crime. This is the intermediation of drug crimes to be discussed in this paper. The act of intermediation of a drug crime means that the intermediary does not have the intention to deal in drugs subjectively, and does not trade in drugs by himself, provides liaison for the drug dealer, and creates the conditions for the transaction. A series of acts that facilitate and facilitate the sale of drugs. The agent of the intermediation of drug crime is called the intermediary in this article. The behavior of the intermediary has the characteristics of non-all, illegal, transitive, non-profit-making and so on. According to whether the intermediary is in contact with drugs, the intermediate behavior of drug crime can be divided into the intermediate behavior of contact with drugs and the intermediate behavior of non-contact with drugs. In this paper, the author will analyze several existing qualitative theories of drug intermediation, in which the differentiation theory holds that the intermediate behavior can not be regarded as innocent or uniform as some kind of crime. It is necessary to discuss the specific types of intermediation of drug crimes. Although the theory is more rational, it can not include the types of intermediate behaviors objectively, which brings difficulties to the qualitative analysis. The theory of innocence holds that the intermediation of drug crimes does not constitute a crime, but such a determination obviously brings opportunities for many criminals to cover up drug crimes with the cloak of intermediary behavior and indulge the occurrence of crimes. The theory that the intermediation of drug crime is regarded as the crime of trafficking in drugs holds that the subjective and objective elements of the intermediary are consistent with the constitution of the crime of drug trafficking, and that the intermediation of the drug crime should be characterized by the crime of drug trafficking. This view has a great one-sidedness. For example, the middleman who buys drugs for drug addicts is motivated by the idea of helping drug addicts buy drugs on their behalf, rather than subjectively having a drug trafficking intention, and characterizes such acts as the crime of drug trafficking, and the punishment is too harsh. When these three theories do not accurately define the nature of drug crime, the author gives his own views on the qualitative nature of intermediary behavior and enumerates different forms of intermediation behavior. Hope to provide some reference for the theoretical research and legal practice of drug crime intermediation.
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