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发布时间:2018-05-22 18:47

  本文选题:交通肇事罪 + 水上交通肇事行为 ; 参考:《中国社会科学院研究生院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:China has a long history of water transportation, many rivers and islands, with a continental coastline of more than 18000 kilometers. Because of the advantages of low cost, large quantity and long distance transportation, water transportation is an indispensable transportation mode in China. However, with the increasing of the number of ships, the continuous improvement of ship technology and the speed of navigation, the probability of water traffic accidents also increases. The complex particularity of the water environment and the characteristics of the ship itself determine the high risk of water transportation. Once a water traffic accident occurs, it will often result in the death of people, loss of property, environmental pollution and other serious harmful consequences. It has great social harmfulness. What our country needs to investigate the criminal responsibility for the crime of waterborne traffic accident is the criminal law and the relevant provisions of the judicial interpretation about the crime of causing traffic accident. Although the provisions of the criminal law on the crime of causing traffic accidents have the applicable basis for the crime of causing traffic accidents on water, the maritime traffic accidents are, after all, different from road traffic accidents. Because of their particularities, they lead to the process of judicial practice. There are many problems in the application of law, which leads to a series of problems in law enforcement and judicature. In order to try to solve this problem, this paper starts with the present situation, concept and characteristics of water traffic accident behavior, and analyzes a series of problems existing in the process of applying the laws and regulations related to traffic accident crime behavior. Such questions as how to characterize missing persons, high escape rate, how to punish oil spill pollution from colliding ships and whether adopting the same sentencing standard as those in road traffic accidents will lead to substantial injustice and so on. On the basis of the experience of successful legislation, this paper puts forward that the missing persons should be sentenced as a result of death, strictly regulate the escape behavior of waterborne traffic accidents, and clearly stipulate the problem of oil spill pollution from colliding ships as the harmful consequences. In order to solve the above problems, we should improve the standard of punishment and sentencing for the crime of causing accidents on water traffic, modify the judicial explanation in good time, and do our best to avoid and prevent the crime of causing accidents on water traffic.


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