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发布时间:2018-06-20 03:41

  本文选题:水资源犯罪 + 环境伦理观 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:改革开放以来,我国经济取得举世瞩目的成就的同时,也付出了惨痛的环境代价,水资源首当其冲。当前,我国水资源污染十分严重,,已对公民生命和身体健康构成潜在的巨大威胁,水资源犯罪问题也已成为关系到国计民生的重大问题,研究水资源犯罪问题对国家稳定和社会发展具有重大的现实意义。在民法、行政法调整不利的情况下,刑法成为保护水资源的重要手段。然而我国水资源犯罪在立法上仍存在一系列的问题,诸如立法理念存在偏差、水资源犯罪与其他资源犯罪罪名混同、刑罚规定不合理以及相关犯罪构成要件不完善等。 观之西方发达国家,不论是大陆法系国家亦或英美法系国家,在水资源刑事立法方面,都走过了一段悠久漫长的历史,在这期间涌现出多种环境刑事立法伦理学说,积攒了丰富的立法经验,开创了各具特色的立法模式,其中以德国、日本、英国和美国的水资源刑事立法最具代表性。 《刑法修正案(八)》和其后的《最高人民法院、最高人民检察院关于办理环境污染刑事案件适用法律若干问题的解释》对原“重大环境污染事故罪”作出了较大修改与完善,新设立的“污染环境罪”表面上看具有一定的进步意义,但其实质仍是传统的概括式立法,对各项自然资源的保护都是有害而无利。因此,在科学的环境立法伦理观的指导下,重新通过修改刑法的方式分解《刑法》第338条之“污染环境罪”,区分不同环境要素,并完善相应刑罚模式和犯罪构成要件体系,乃是我国当下完善水资源犯罪的必然选择。 本文除导言外,共分三个部分: 第一章:简述我国目前水资源分布、浪费、污染现状,说明水资源保护的必要性。通过剖析运用民法、行政法保护水资源的不足之处,说明水资源刑法保护的必要性。最后分析我国目前刑法保护水资源存在的不足之处。 第二章:阐述西方发达国家在水资源刑事立法方面走过的路程,包括环境伦理观的变迁史及其各自特点,以及德国、日本、英国、美国等独具特色的环境刑事立法。 第三章:分析我国现代背景下环境刑事立法应该具有的环境伦理观,并提出在该理论内核的指导下,从独立水资源犯罪罪名、构建科学的刑罚处罚模式以及完善相应的犯罪构成要件三个方面对我国现今水资源刑法保护予以完善。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has made remarkable achievements, but also paid a painful environmental price, water resources bear the brunt. At present, the pollution of water resources in our country is very serious, which has posed a potential huge threat to the life and health of citizens, and the problem of water resources crime has become a major problem related to the national economy and the people's livelihood. It is of great practical significance to study the problem of water resources crime for national stability and social development. In civil law and administrative law, criminal law has become an important means to protect water resources. However, there are still a series of problems in the legislation of water resources crime in our country, such as the deviation of legislation idea, the mix of water resources crime and other resources crimes, the unreasonable punishment and the imperfect constitution of related crimes. The western developed countries, whether civil law countries or common law countries, have gone through a long and long history in the criminal legislation of water resources. During this period, many kinds of environmental criminal legislation ethics have emerged. They have accumulated rich legislative experience and created different legislative models, among which Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States are the most representative of the criminal legislation on water resources. [8] the Criminal Law Amendment (8) and the subsequent "Supreme people's Court," Interpretation of some problems of applicable Law in handling Criminal cases of Environmental pollution by the Supreme people's Procuratorate > the original "Crime of Major Environmental pollution Accidents" has been greatly revised and improved. On the surface, the newly established crime of polluting the environment has a certain significance of progress, but its essence is still the traditional general legislation, which is harmful to the protection of all natural resources and has no benefit. Therefore, under the guidance of the scientific ethics view of environmental legislation, the article 338 of the Criminal Law is broken down again by the way of amending the criminal law, which distinguishes the different environmental elements, and consummates the corresponding penalty model and the system of the constitutive elements of the crime. It is the inevitable choice to perfect the crime of water resources in our country. In addition to the introduction, this paper is divided into three parts: the first chapter: the distribution of water resources in China, waste, pollution status, and explain the necessity of water resources protection. The necessity of the protection of water resources by criminal law is explained by analyzing the shortcomings of the application of civil law and administrative law in the protection of water resources. Finally, this paper analyzes the shortcomings of the protection of water resources in the current criminal law of our country. Chapter two: expound the course of the western developed countries in the criminal legislation of water resources, including the changing history of the environmental ethics and their respective characteristics, as well as the unique environmental criminal legislation of Germany, Japan, Britain, the United States and so on. The third chapter analyzes the environmental ethics view that environmental criminal legislation should have under the modern background of our country, and puts forward the crime of independent water resources crime under the guidance of the core of the theory. Constructing a scientific punishment model and perfecting the corresponding elements of crime constitute three aspects to perfect our country's present water resources criminal law protection.


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