本文选题:骗购外汇罪 + 逃汇罪 ; 参考:《中国刑事法杂志》2017年04期
[Abstract]:Under the background of regulatory reform and system innovation of free trade area, the illegality of foreign exchange crime and the necessity of punishment still exist. The unit crime should be distinguished from the unit crime, and the crime of evading foreign exchange in the form of unit should be criminally pursued. For the fraud of foreign exchange with fictitious trade background, the crime of buying foreign exchange by deception should be determined by the provision of "pocket clause", and the crime of buying foreign exchange without leaving the country after deception is established. The foreign exchange collected from abroad in the name of entrepot trade belongs to the scope of the crime of evading foreign exchange. The act of illegally transferring funds to foreign exchange and then receiving foreign exchange into China does not affect the determination of accomplished crime of evading foreign exchange. The "management" of illegal foreign exchange trading needs to be further clarified, and foreign exchange trading beyond the scope of a specific business license should be considered as an illegal operation crime. The theory of the number of crimes should be applied to judge the crime of foreign exchange. It is suggested that the penalty allocation of foreign exchange crime should be perfected, the sentencing standard should be defined, and the punishment and prevention function of penalty should be brought into full play.
【作者单位】: 上海市人民检察院;
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