[Abstract]:With the extensive development of notary business, notaries occupy a dominant position in notarization activities, and a series of legal issues arising from notarization activities also cause widespread controversy. In particular, notaries in the occupation of unit property on the nature of the dispute is the most fierce. This article is in the actual occurrence of a criminal case on the basis of the extension of the problem. In the research of this paper, the author puts forward specific cases, through the notary Li Xime encroach on unit property in the case of conviction and sentencing dispute, notaries encroach on unit property behavior analysis and identification. In the analysis of the case, the author, from the perspective of a legal worker, fully demonstrates what crime the notary should constitute in the nature of encroaching on the property of the unit. Furthermore, it advocates that the courts in practice should make due punishment for notaries in accordance with the principle of adapting crime and punishment in criminal law.
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