[Abstract]:If the high frequency words in the provisions of the criminal law of our country are retrieved, the two words are not "plot". There are 452 articles in the criminal code of China, "plot" has appeared nearly 300 times, and the "plot is serious" has appeared nearly 160 times. If the law is added to the criminal law, the "plot is serious" is not counted more. And with the revision and perfection of the criminal law, the crime is not counted. The provisions of the plot in the form will continue to increase.
"The plot is serious" is very inclusive. In order to avoid missing the million, the legislature often adopts the general legislative technology. "The plot is serious" is a model. "The plot is serious", "the plot is bad", "the plot is very bad" and other legal words become the universal prescription to deal with all kinds of social maladies. "The plot is serious" make the punishment. The provisions of the law are more flexible and expansionary, linking the relatively stable criminal code with the social reality of the flow. At the same time, it also increases the vagueness and uncertainty of the provisions, making the elements of the crime elusive and increasing the difficulty of judicial application. The criminal law is a study of crime and punishment, whether it is a conviction or a quantity. Only the completion of the evaluation of the plot means the completion of the ultimate evaluation of the behavior, which means the completion of the criminal task of the conviction and sentencing. This article attempts to take "the serious plot" as the research object, and on the basis of exploring the essential characteristics of the "serious plot", the plot is seriously discussed. And the relationship between the concept of crime and the constitution of crime.
This paper starts with the introduction, the text is divided into three chapters, and finally the conclusion is determined by the conclusion.
The introduction part mainly introduces the current situation of the plot, including the existing research situation, the perplexity in practice, the value of the study and the significance in theory and practice.
The first chapter of the text mainly introduces the essential meaning and legal status of the serious plot, and redefines the plot as a subjective and objective fact reflecting the social harmfulness and personal danger of the crime, and has the function of affecting the conviction and sentencing. This article then discusses the relationship between the serious circumstances of the plot and the concept of crime and the constitution of the crime, and considers that the criminal law is in China's criminal law. In the concept of crime, quantitative factors should not be a double standard of evaluation with qualitative factors. Quantitative factors are contained in qualitative factors. And it is unreasonable to consider "plot serious" as a quantitative factor of the concept of crime. Secondly, because of the fuzziness of "serious plot" itself, generality, it should not become an offense. Part of the constitution of crime should not have the function of distinguishing between sin and non crime.
The second chapter mainly studies the relationship between the seriousness of the plot and the rules of sentencing. Through the comparative study method, we further analyze the current situation of our country's "serious plot", and draw the conclusion that the main function of the plot is the conclusion that affects the sentencing rather than the conviction. This chapter carries out the legal circumstances in the criminal law of our country from the heavy punishment and the aggravation of the punishment. The present situation of the "serious plot" in the extraterritorial penal code was compared and studied, and then the influence of the serious circumstances on the sentencing was discussed in conjunction with the "sentencing guidance (Trial)" issued in 2010 and the general sentencing guidance issued in 2014.
The third chapter mainly studies the present situation of the explanation of the aggravating circumstances in our country. Through combing, it is found that the provisions of the aggravating circumstances are mostly judicial interpretation, and mainly focus on the interpretation of the amount of crime, the number of crimes, the identity of the criminal, the status (the principal) and so on. In addition, this chapter focuses on the interpretation rules of the aggravated plot. The position of strict interpretation should be adhered to when the interpretation of the plot is serious, while the interpretation method should follow the priority of the interpretation of the arts and principles, take into account the self consistency of the system interpretation, strictly limit the method of expanding the explanation to explain the aggravated plot, and give a hint and Discussion on the special interpretation rules of the aggravated plot, with a view to benefit the judicial practice.
Through the above argument, this article draws the following conclusions: "the plot is serious" because of its own fuzziness and high generality, it can not be part of the constitutive requirements. Most laws stipulate that the "plot is serious" and the behavior pattern, before the legal sentence, is only a kind of prompt provision. In our criminal law, "the plot is serious". The function mainly lies in the influence of sentencing. Interpretation is the premise of application. In explaining the "serious plot" and "the plot is especially serious", we should adhere to the strict interpretation position and combine the own characteristics of the aggravated plot. The aggravated plot of the crime should be explained in combination with the double standard of the amount and plot; The "plot of the plot is serious" should adhere to the principle of homogeneity interpretation; for "the plot is particularly serious", the degree of illegality should be explained on the basis of "serious plot".
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