[Abstract]:It is of ultimate social significance to investigate the appropriateness of death penalty from the standpoint of constitution. There are mainly four ways of constitutionality interpretation of death penalty in the world, but there are more or less inevitable limitations. That human rights are of universal value and that there should be no exceptions to the protection of the right to life, and that the position of using human rights as a constitutional interpretation of the death penalty is conducive to the formation of a culture of respect for life and personality, Leading the public to establish a rational understanding of the death penalty plays an irreplaceable role. The abolition of the death penalty is not an end in itself; its real aim is to increase the human rights of all nationals. The government should take this as the starting point to set up policies and measures to re-examine the significance of the death penalty in crime control. The proper direction of social evolution is to reduce and abolish the death penalty and to consider the social defense from the angle of protecting human rights.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学刑事法律科学研究院;
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