[Abstract]:Attempted abetment is a kind of instigation which means that the abettor can only end in attempt at the beginning. The legal doctrinal explanation of attempted abetment can be carried out from two angles: first, from the angle of the relationship between abetting intention and general intent, abetting intention is the embodiment and special form of general intent. The content of instigation intention in our criminal law includes not only the criminal intent and criminal behavior that cause the instigated person, but also the result of legal interest infringement caused by the instigated person's behavior. Second, from the angle of the legislation mode of joint crime, the legislation mode of joint crime in our country belongs to the legislative mode of unified principal offender. According to the principle of unified principal offender, the intention of abetting should reach the result of constitutive elements, and attempted instigation is not punishable. When the abettor accepts the instigation and the act of the abettor causes the result of the legal interest infringement, the abettor's psychological attitude towards the result of the legal interest infringement belongs to the fault of overconfidence, and in the case of other elements of the crime, Criminal responsibility for negligent crimes shall be investigated.
【作者单位】: 山东大学法学院;
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