[Abstract]:Drug transport is the punishment of drug crime, which plays a connecting role in the crime of smuggling, manufacturing and trafficking. The crime of transporting drugs and the crime of smuggling, manufacturing and trafficking are under the same law in our country's legislation, but the constitutive elements of the crime of transporting drugs cannot be equal to those of other drug crimes. The legislative purpose, legal social function, connotation and extension of the crime of transporting drugs have their own characteristics. In the judicial practice, the judicial personnel can not form a unified understanding of the drug transport behavior, the same case can not form a unified judgment, judicial personnel on the "transport" of drug transport can not form a unified view. So the author takes Liu as an example, discusses the criminal law principle, the legal social function and the legislative purpose of the crime of transporting drugs, probes into the defects of the crime of transporting drugs, and expounds the doubt about the presumption of the crime of transporting drugs in practice. Finally, it summarizes the constitutive elements of the crime of transporting drugs, the essential distinction between the crime of transporting drugs and the crime of illegal possession of drugs, and analyzes the qualitative analysis of Liu's behavior of transporting drugs.
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