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发布时间:2018-09-19 11:14
[Abstract]:There are many studies on how to understand and judge this element in the criminal code, but most of them are judgments on the "use of the convenience of duty" in a specific type of crime, but seldom from a macroscopic point of view. Therefore, the author analyzes the element of "taking advantage of the convenience of duty" from a macroscopic point of view, hoping to have a macroscopic overall understanding of the element in theory and practice. How to interpret the concept of "benefit", how to conform to the normative judgment in judicial practice, and how to unify the approach when judgment is ambiguous? The second part of the author thinks that there are two conditions of identity and realistic position. In my opinion, the relationship between the two conditions is a progressive one, and the following conditions are impossible to exist if the preceding one is not tenable. On the basis of the preconditions, the author makes an analysis and judgment on the object involved in the case of "taking advantage of the convenience of duty". The author divides the crime containing this element into corruption type crime, bribery type crime and other types of crime according to the characteristics of the crime and the characteristics of this element. On this basis, the author makes a concrete analysis and judgment on the related types of crime. The third part demonstrates the judgment paradigm of "taking advantage of the convenience of duty" in a graphical way, and clearly shows the conclusion of this article - "taking advantage of the convenience of duty" three-stage judicial judgment paradigm, the judgment of preconditions; and the judgment of the object involved in the case. I think the first stage is the most basic judgment, the actor's identity and position; the second stage of judgment, the judgment of the object involved in the case, the author believes that this stage of judgment is a concrete judgment of the object involved in the case is public affairs or public property, public affairs or the specific existence of public property. In my opinion, the three-stage judicial judgment paradigm conforms to the thinking path of ordinary people and is of judicial practicality. The fourth part verifies the basic paradigm from the point of individual crime. The author's basic thinking is that the author originally did not derive this three-stage judicial judgment paradigm from a crime, but from a macroscopic point of view in the criminal law text and related official solutions. In order to prove the practicality of this judicial judgment paradigm, the author introduces a specific crime to apply this paradigm and demonstrates the feasibility of the conclusion of this paper. Finally, the conclusion summarizes the arguments of this paper in the conclusion part, and puts forward some suggestions. In this paper, the solution of the problem is basically to put forward the problem, design the relevant cases, write the conclusion of the problem, and solve the problem by way of thinking. Deductive reasoning based on the power to interpret.


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