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发布时间:2018-10-04 22:52
【摘要】:随着经济社会的发展和科学技术的进步,我国已经进入汽车社会。与此同时,一些醉酒驾车、飙车等危险驾驶行为导致人员伤亡或重大财产损失的惨案频频发生,给公众的生命、健康、财产安全带来严重的威胁。为适应社会发生的变化,刑法修正案(八)增设了危险驾驶罪,包含醉酒驾驶和追逐竞驶两种行为方式,旨在实现公共安全法益的前置性保护。 危险驾驶罪尽管有醉酒驾驶和追逐竞驶两种行为方式,但这是两种完全不同的行为,无论是学术界还是司法部门,往往偏向于醉酒驾驶行为的研究,而对于追逐竞驶,却鲜有人关注。笔者在长期的刑事审判工作中也发现,醉酒驾驶类案件较多,追逐竞驶类案件几乎没有。同时,追逐竞驶型危险驾驶罪与交通肇事罪也有明显不同,,交通肇事罪是实害犯,须有实害结果才构成犯罪,而成立追逐竞驶型危险驾驶罪却不要求实害结果。笔者认为有必要深入研究追逐竞驶行为构成要件和明确入罪的具体标准。本文的创新之处在于:采用文献研究和比较研究的方法并结合案例对追逐竞驶行为进行了明确的界定,对该行为的主要特征进行了归纳。追逐竞驶行为入刑以来,立法机关和司法机关尚未对“情节恶劣”作出明确的解释,入刑的界限模糊,使得追究追逐竞驶行为人的刑事责任比较困难。本文从主、客观方面对“情节恶劣”进行了阐释,以期为司法实践提供借鉴。 全文共有五个部分,首先对危险驾驶行为立法沿革和国外及我国台湾地区的立法进行研究,从中总结出对我国的立法启示,建议增加危险驾驶罪的行为方式,如吸食毒品后驾驶、故意闯红灯、随意变道等,增设剥夺驾驶资格的刑种;其次对追逐竞驶进行了重点分析。笔者将“追逐竞驶”界定为:在道路上违反交通规则追赶、超越他人的行为。从字面含义上来说,“追逐竞驶”是两人以上高速互相追赶、比拼速度的行为,看似与日常生活中的“飙车”一致,而“飙车”常造成或大或小的车祸,但追逐竞驶型危险驾驶罪并不要求有实害结果的发生。“追逐竞驶”单人即可构成,虽常伴着高速行驶、超速行驶等表现形式发生,但低速或者正常速度行驶追赶或超越他人也可构成。再次对道路、机动车辆、犯罪主观方面进行逐一阐述,并着重对“情节恶劣”进行分析,“情节恶劣”是追逐竞驶型危险驾驶罪的构成要件之一,所有能体现行为的社会危害性和行为人人身危险性的因素都可以纳入。然后,对追逐竞驶型危险驾驶罪与醉驾型危险驾驶罪、交通肇事罪、以危险方法危害公共安全罪进行了比较分析,探索了此罪与彼罪的界限。最后,对追逐竞驶型危险驾驶罪的犯罪停止形态、共同犯罪形态、罪数形态等问题进行了阐述。
[Abstract]:With the development of economy and society and the progress of science and technology, our country has entered the automobile society. At the same time, some dangerous driving behaviors, such as drunken driving and drag racing, frequently lead to casualties or heavy property losses, which pose a serious threat to public life, health and property safety. In order to adapt to the change of society, the amendment of criminal law (8) adds the crime of dangerous driving, which includes drunk driving and chasing race driving, in order to realize the preemptive protection of public safety law. Although there are two kinds of behaviors in dangerous driving crime: drunk driving and chasing race driving, they are two completely different behaviors. Whether in academia or the judiciary, they tend to favor the study of drunken driving behavior, but for chasing race driving, But few people pay attention. The author also found that there are many cases of drunken driving and almost no cases of chasing race driving in the long-term criminal trial. At the same time, the crime of chasing race driving dangerous driving is obviously different from the crime of causing traffic accident. The author thinks that it is necessary to study the constitutive elements and the specific standard of incrimination. The innovation of this paper is that the main characteristics of this behavior are summed up by using the methods of literature research and comparative study and combining with cases to clearly define the behavior of chasing race driving. Since the pursuit of the act of race driving, the legislature and the judiciary have not made a clear explanation of the "bad circumstances", and the boundary of the entry has been blurred, which makes it more difficult to investigate the criminal responsibility of the perpetrators of the pursuit of race driving. In this paper, subjective and objective aspects of the interpretation of the "bad circumstances", in order to provide reference for judicial practice. There are five parts in the full text. Firstly, the author studies the evolution of dangerous driving behavior and the legislation of foreign countries and Taiwan area, and summarizes the legislative enlightenment to our country, and proposes to increase the behavior mode of dangerous driving crime. Such as driving after taking drugs, deliberately running a red light, changing the road at will, adding the penalty of disqualification; secondly, the emphasis is put on the chase of race driving. The author defines "chasing race drive" as the behavior of violating traffic rules to catch up and surpass others on the road. Literally, "chase racing" is the behavior of two or more people chasing each other at high speed and competing with each other. It seems to be consistent with "racing" in daily life, and "racing" often causes accidents, big or small. However, the crime of chasing race driving does not require the occurrence of actual harmful results. "chasing race drive" can be formed by a single person. Although it often occurs in the form of high speed driving and speeding, it can also be formed by driving at low or normal speed to catch up or surpass others. Once again, the subjective aspects of road, motor vehicle and crime are expounded one by one, and the analysis of "bad circumstances" is emphasized, which is one of the constitutive elements of the crime of chasing race driving dangerous driving. All the factors which can reflect the social harmfulness of behavior and the personal danger of the perpetrator can be included. Then, the author makes a comparative analysis of the crimes of chasing race driving dangerous driving and drunk driving dangerous driving, traffic accident crime and endangering public safety by dangerous methods, and probes into the boundary between this crime and that crime. Finally, the paper expounds the form of crime stopping, the form of joint crime, the form of crime number and so on.


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