[Abstract]:Hirano Ryoichi's "the basis of Criminal Law" is the earliest work of Japan that consciously applied the research methods of empirical jurisprudence to the field of criminal law. Its relationship between criminology and criminal law, why people can bear criminal responsibility, and the function of modern criminal law, In terms of the characteristics of Japanese criminal law, the relationship between criminal law, jurisprudence and doctrine, and so on, the most fundamental issues in criminal jurisprudence, such as the challenge to the German standard of criminal law, which had an overwhelming position in Japan at that time, were challenged to form a criminal law with Japanese characteristics. As a whole, the mainstream criminal jurisprudence is based on the result-based (result-no-value theory). The research method advocated in this book is based on the analysis of the current social situation, the functional criminal law view with visibility as the basic requirement, and the problem-centered thinking method. Even in today's China, it is still of great significance for reference.
【作者单位】: 清华大学法学院;
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