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发布时间:2018-10-11 07:28
[Abstract]:The reform of power structure is the core of China's system anti-corruption. If the power structure is not reformed, no matter how much manpower, material and financial resources are added to the fight against corruption, no matter how much efforts, intensity and intensity of punishing corruption are increased, no matter how many directions are chosen to break through, There is only one conclusion: not only in the party is still cohort, the power structure within the party is still not reformed, but also intensified, which has been repeatedly proved by more than 30 years of power anti-corruption. Therefore, the success of China's institutional anti-corruption depends on the success of power structure reform. The main body of this paper consists of four parts: the relationship between the power structure and the construction of anti-corruption supervision by law, the construction of the legal mechanism of anti-corruption supervision in the state power structure, and the construction of the legal mechanism of anti-corruption supervision outside the state power. The Future trend of China's Anti-Corruption Supervision legal Mechanism. The first part: the relationship between power structure and anti-corruption supervision. This part first introduces the basic theory of separation of powers and checks and balances in the West, then explains the uniqueness of China's power structure, and then demonstrates the importance of supervisory power in the construction of anti-corruption rule of law in China, in order to explain the relationship between power structure and the construction of anti-corruption supervision and rule of law. The second part: the construction of the anti-corruption supervision legal mechanism in the state power structure. This part mainly constructs the anti-corruption supervision legal mechanism in the power structure from two aspects: the construction of the inner-party legal supervision mechanism and the construction of the state power organ's legal supervision mechanism. The third part: the construction of the legal mechanism of anti-corruption supervision outside the state power. This part first demonstrates the importance and feasibility of social supervision on anti-corruption in the network era, and then realizes the construction of the legal mechanism of anti-corruption supervision outside the state power through the innovation of the legal mechanism of social anti-corruption supervision. The fourth part: the future trend of the legal mechanism of anti-corruption supervision in China. By expounding the disadvantages of the power dispersion of anti-corruption supervision in China at present, and combining with the reform of the state supervision system under the new situation, this part puts forward the possibility of constructing the legal mechanism of anti-corruption supervision in the cooperation between the state and the society.


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