[Abstract]:After stepping into the risk society, the law interest protection preposition, the preparatory act carries out into the criminal law research scope, according to the risk criminal law principle, the "trafficking" the drug behavior should include "buy for the sale" and "sells" two kinds of ways; With regard to the calculation of the quantity of drugs sold, the amount of drugs purchased by drug users should be regarded as the quantity of drug trafficking in accordance with the provisions of the "Wuhan Conference minutes", and the accused should be allowed to reverse and overturn the number of drugs sold; and in respect of the standard of accomplished crime, From the angle of abstract dangerous crime and purposive crime, this paper puts forward the theory of "actual control under the domination of purpose". Instead of adopting a "one-size-fits-all" approach, the specific problems should be analyzed concretely. It mainly depends on whether the defendant has the purpose of making profit, which means that the overall income is greater than the expenditure, but whether or not the material benefit and the non-material benefit can be obtained from it.
【作者单位】: 四川大学法学院;
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