[Abstract]:The autonomy of every actor is the embodiment of their dignity. People have the right to choose what they want to be. This paper discusses the criminal law of patient's consent from the angle of preventing the illegality of medical behavior. The article is divided into five parts, mainly taking the patient's consent right in the medical behavior as the main line, and then discusses the concept of the medical behavior, the justification basis, the relation between the informed consent and the self-decision right, and the constituent elements of the patient's consent. Lack of patient consent, medical behavior, etc. In the first part, by defining the connotation and extension of medical behavior, the author comes to the conclusion that medical behavior is aggressive, which leads to the analysis of the legitimacy of medical behavior, and divides medical behavior into treatment behavior and other medical behavior. The author thinks that the consent of the patient is the core of the illegality of blocking the treatment behavior. When judging the legitimacy of other medical actions, we should grasp many elements. In the second part of the article, the author explains the philosophical basis of the right to self-decision, and holds that the principle of informed consent is a kind of self-decision in the field of medical treatment. The third part is the discussion of effective patients' consent. In the aspect of consent ability, the author argues that the consent subject should be judged by the age and mind of the consent subject, instead of setting a rigid standard for the consent subject. When the guardian exercises the right of consent on behalf of the guardian, the maximum legal benefit of the patient should be taken as the premise, and if the family member's intention is contrary to the patient's intention, the patient's will shall prevail. The patient's decision should include both acceptance and rejection, and consent is medical behavior and its outcome. Consent is given in three ways, express, implied and presumptive. Consent may be given at any time throughout the medical action. When there are cognitive errors or deception and coercion, the consent of the patient still cannot achieve legal effect. In the fourth part, the author investigates the medical behavior that lacks the patient's consent, under the circumstances of the compulsory medical behavior without the patient's consent, the emergency medical behavior which can not obtain the patient's consent, the patient's waiver of consent and the abuse of the patient's right. Even if the lack of patient consent is justified, the arbitrary medical behavior should be regulated according to different conditions. In the fifth part, the author puts forward his own suggestions on the criminal legislation of arbitrary treatment behavior, hoping to have a good regulatory effect on arbitrary treatment behavior through the main punishment of leniency and delay as well as various additional penalties.
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