[Abstract]:This article takes the unit to carry out the natural person crime as the research object, takes the unit subject and the unit member to bear the criminal responsibility basis in the unit crime as the theoretical support, and unifies the case to meet the question carries on the comparative analysis, That is, the real individual behavior and the fictitious unit behavior, the real subject of punishment-the individual and the fictitious subject of punishment-the unit, together constitute the subject of punishment. For the unit subject to carry out the crime of natural person, the ultimate way out of the theory still depends on the revision of the criminal code, and the dual legislative mode of natural person crime and unit crime is fully established by amending the law. The crime which can only be accomplished by the natural person's own body motion is excluded from the unit crime, and the guidance to the social behavior is achieved by publishing the guiding cases. Apart from the introduction and conclusion, this paper is divided into four parts: the first part mainly introduces the practical cases of natural person crime committed by the unit and the controversy about the understanding of the legal principle of unit crime and whether the unit can carry out the crime of natural person. The second part, the judicial interpretation in the unit to implement the problem of natural person crime differences. With regard to the crime of natural person in the unit subject, the highest judicial organs of our country also try to eliminate this practical perplexity in their respective areas of competence, but because of their different positions, The judicial interpretation of the similar problems is not uniform, which makes the problem of unit crime worse. The third part, the academic circles to the unit implements the natural person crime question big debate. There are three main points of view: negation, affirmation and compromise. The author agrees with the affirmation, that is, when the unit subject implements the criminal law norm, it is clearly expressed as the crime of natural person. The internal members of the unit are punished by the constitutive elements of natural person crime in order to make up for the deficiency in legislation. The fourth part, the unit implements the natural person crime demonstration. The special manifestation of unit crime, that is, how to evaluate the crime of natural person committed by the unit and whether it can enter the field of criminal law evaluation, also comes from the interpretation of the criminal responsibility of unit crime. The realistic criminal legislation is the deduction of the related problems on the basis of fully affirming that the unit can bear the criminal responsibility independently. The organizational responsibility and the independence of the members of the unit should properly reveal the basis of the criminal law responsibility of the unit and its members, and accord with the reality expressed by the legislation of our country. As to whether the final unit can bear criminal responsibility, the limitation of the condition of legally prescribed punishment for a crime can only depend on the adjustment of our country's criminal policy in order to expand the scope of the establishment of unit crime.
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