[Abstract]:The conviction and sentencing mode of "amount or circumstance" of bribery crime in our country has caused the controversy of the way of merging the amount and circumstances. Though the explanation of bribery changed it into the standard of "amount" and "circumstance of amount", it was appeased. There are still some defects in the setting of circumstances and the application of norms, such as the risk of breaking through the limitation of liability punishment, the identical setting of aggravating circumstances of different files and the absence of applicable norms of multiple circumstances. It affects the realization of the function of subdivision penalty. According to the logic of the doctrine of meritocracy, the circumstances of punishment upgrading of bribery crime should be the circumstances of liability punishment, not of prevention. Based on this, it is necessary to perfect and correct the above defects of the explanation of bribery, to reconstruct the plot system and to standardize the application of the circumstances, to distinguish the circumstances of liability punishment from the circumstances of preventive punishment, and to take the circumstances of responsibility punishment as the basis for upgrading the statutory punishment.
【作者单位】: 西南政法大学法学院;
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