[Abstract]:Administrative norms exist in the criminal law and its judicial interpretation. Different legislative purposes determine the positive expression of statement and the negative expression of value evaluation. The administrative norm has the dynamic function of influencing the establishment of the crime, the static function of the characteristic of the crime and the practice function of executing the penalty in the criminal law. The expansion and variability of administrative norms determine that its function of criminal law should be limited: administrative interpretation cannot be taken as the direct basis for conviction and sentencing, except for the clear provisions of criminal law, the treatment of violation of administrative norms cannot be a cause of obstruction of punishment. The function and mode of administrative regulation should be restricted by its form and subject. The administrative norms in the criminal law should be regulated from three aspects: establishing the general judicial review mechanism of the administrative norms involved; establishing a good connection between the administrative norms and the criminal law; and recognizing the reference significance of the administrative interpretation to a certain extent.
【作者单位】: 扬州大学法学院;
【基金】:江苏省高校哲学社会科学基金项目“行政行为的刑法机能研究”(2013SJB820022) 扬州大学“新世纪人才工程”资助项目的阶段性成果 江苏高校区域法治发展协同创新中心项目的阶段性成果
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