[Abstract]:Juvenile delinquency is a difficult problem in the world. It is not only a long time research hotspot in the field of criminology, but also an important content in the field of sociology. Juvenile crime can be called a mirror, can reflect the social problems of different countries in a specific period. All countries and regions attach great importance to the problem of juvenile delinquency, minors are a special group, mainly based on the principle of protection, in the process of making laws and regulations, they generally take measures to distinguish adult offenders. Our country adopts the criminal policy of "combining leniency and strict punishment", which requires different treatment according to different object of crime. This criminal policy is applicable to juvenile delinquency, which reflects the content of "leniency", and blindly "leniency" has the suspicion of punishment function of weakening, which is unfavorable to the general prevention and special prevention of juvenile delinquency. In order to better prevent and crack down on crime and reduce the repetition rate of juvenile delinquency, based on the particularity of minors, the "strictness" of criminal policy should be carried out in correction. Good corrective effect is helpful for juvenile delinquents to return to the normal social track, to the stability of social order, but also conducive to juvenile behavior deviation after correction can be healthy growth again. "leniency" and "strictness" are implemented at different levels, which also reflect the protection of minors' rights and interests. In terms of legal basis, the relevant provisions of juvenile delinquency in China are mainly presented in several laws, such as the Criminal Law, the Law on the Protection of minors, the Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency and the Law on compulsory Education. From the point of view of operation mode, there are four kinds of correctional treatment in our country, including juvenile prison correction, minor community correction, reception correction and work-study school correction. The four kinds of correction departments are suitable for different types of juvenile delinquency. In the practical operation, the scope of application is different, and the contents and ways of correction are different. Firstly, this paper studies the current situation of juvenile delinquency correction in China, including the basic characteristics of juvenile delinquency, and the formation of juvenile correction department under the criminal policy of "combining leniency and strict punishment". Secondly, this paper expatiates on the four kinds of specific correction models in China, and summarizes the existing problems respectively. Thirdly, through the research of the typical correctional treatment mode, we understand the advanced concepts, scientific methods and techniques, and the rational system design of the correction of juvenile delinquency in foreign countries, and combine the comparison with the correction treatment in our country. Explore the content that we should learn and draw lessons from. At last, some suggestions are put forward to perfect the system of juvenile delinquency correction department in our country.
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