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发布时间:2018-12-10 17:39
[Abstract]:The Criminal Law Amendment (IX) adds many charges concerning extremist crimes. For such crimes, our country has only adopted the Criminal Law Amendment (9) and a special Anti-Terrorism Law to combat such crimes. However, the definition of extremism, the dialectical relationship between extremism and terrorism, and the specific constituent features of extremist crimes have not been determined. The premise for the study of extremist crimes is to make it clear what extremism is. When defining extremism, it is necessary to combine social ideology, ideological and cultural values, and political ideas and other comprehensive considerations. This article combines the domestic and foreign legislation and the related ideas in the Chinese academic circles and the legal regulations, unifies the new legislation stipulation, the academic principle definition, the related concept discrimination, the domestic and foreign research result appraisal, By analyzing and understanding extremism, we conclude that extremism is a kind of extreme ideology or system with extreme paranoia and uniqueness that deviates from the mainstream values of society in a certain period of time, which focuses on the rejection of dissidents. To carry out such extreme acts, to disseminate such extreme remarks or to commit such extreme acts may endanger national security and even lead to the subversion of the ruling class regime, It is therefore strictly prohibited by the laws of the country or region or even the international community. On this basis, there is a need to distinguish extremism from the most confusing concept of terrorism, which has similarities, but cannot be generalized, although there is a common source of development, but there are differences in scope and extent. Therefore, we can study the legislation of the extremist crime in our country and the common constitutive elements and the special constitutive elements of the individual crime of the crime type of extremism. One of the major features of the distinction between extremist crimes and terrorist crimes is that not only organizations, groups, but individuals can also be the subject of extremist crimes, and the object of their crimes is complex, not only national security, There is also the social security and stability, public and private property security and the life and personal safety of citizens, which is also one of the reasons why extremist crimes are scattered in the various chapters of our legislation, rather than separate legislation.


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