[Abstract]:Pickpocketing is an illegal and criminal act with strong public reaction and public indignation. Before 2011, most of the proceeds from pickpocketing were not enough to constitute the "large amount" standard stipulated in the Criminal Law for larceny. Only administrative punishment can be used for punishment, which leads to insufficient crackdown and repeated prohibition of pickpocketing. In May 2011, the Criminal Law Amendment (VIII) was formally introduced, and the relevant provisions on theft in Article 264 of the Criminal Law were amended. Since the Criminal Law Amendment (8) is only listed. Blank crime has not specified the condition and amount of pickpocketing crime, which has brought a lot of difficulties in judicial practice, and has also brought wide research space to the academic circle. Pickpocketing has great social harmfulness and subjective malignancy, which brings many troubles to public security organs. The crime of pickpocketing not only embodies the protection of citizens' property rights and public security by the constitution and law, but also shows the respect for the individual life of natural persons, and reduces the occurrence of such crimes. Judging from the judicial practice, pickpocketing is mostly criminal, and the number of criminal cases is declining as a whole, but there are still many problems and disputes about the identification of pickpocketing. This paper holds that public places are not one of the necessary conditions for the identification of pickpocketing, and the place where pickpocketing occurs is not limited to public places. The act of pickpocketing involves stealing property from the victim. Of course, pickpocketing is aimed at the property that the victim carries with him, and the "carry-on" should conform to its proper meaning, and it cannot be extended to explain. Carrying the murder weapon can be the sentencing standard after the crime of pickpocketing, but it should not be the standard to distinguish the crime of pickpocketing from the non-crime, and the two should not be confused. Pickpocketing is essentially a kind of theft, secrecy is one of its essential characteristics, pickpocketing is relatively secret; Pickpocketing larceny still belongs to a type of larceny, which should be consistent with the accomplished form of the crime of theft and belong to the typical resultant crime, so there are incomplete forms such as attempted crime in pickpocketing. In the current judicial practice, it is difficult to determine the standard and amount of the crime of pickpocketing. This paper holds that pickpocketing acts accord with the characteristics of consequential crime and should follow the principle of unity of subjectivity and objectivity and punish according to the legal interest of infringement. At the same time, the proviso clause in the general principles of criminal law has a guiding function and can not be ignored. It is suggested that the standard of the amount of pickpocketing crime should be determined through judicial interpretation to guide the judicial practice. This article holds that the penalty standard of pickpocketing should be compared with ordinary larceny, and the model of "three levels of sentencing punishment" should be established according to the relevant legal explanation. The punishment for attempted pickpocketing should be reasonably determined in combination with the subjective and objective circumstances of the perpetrator. In cases where the subjective malignancy of some criminals is greater and the circumstances are worse, if the amount of proceeds of the crime falls short of the penalty standard, Punishment may be imposed on the basis of attempted crime; For the punishment of both accomplished and attempted pickpocketing cases, the total amount of accomplished theft should be determined, the attempted part of the crime should be taken as the sentencing plot, and the punishment should be heavier within the corresponding punishment frame of the accomplished act. To some minor circumstances, the subjective malignancy does not constitute the theft crime pickpocketing behavior, may carry on the administrative punishment to it; Based on the principle of "no longer punishing the matter", the amount of illegal punishment that has been punished for many times cannot add up to form the standard of incrimination of criminal punishment, but whether or not administrative punishment has been given can constitute the circumstances of sentencing for criminal punishment.
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