[Abstract]:The types of cases applicable to criminal restraining orders have the characteristics of wide coverage and relative concentration. The restraining orders for some offences are more consistent. The same type of cases are subject to control and probation considerations are the same, but the application of a restraining order is probabilistic. If a restraining order is applied, the content of the injunction also depends on the subjective will of the trial judge. Neither the prosecution nor the defence objects to the injunction issued by the people's court. The judge has the problem of applying mechanization in the way of application of restraining order, repeated prohibition in content, lack of relevance, ambiguity, feasibility and so on, and the use of non-standard problems in terms of judgment and so on. Prohibition order is not a penalty, its function is to strengthen the supervision of criminals and prevent them from harming society again. Judges should apply injunctions involving multiple parties and conducting necessary social investigations. The application of the prohibition order should adhere to the principles of necessity, clarity and feasibility, and should be expressed in standard terms.
【作者单位】: 北京市人民检察院第一分院;
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