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发布时间:2019-03-16 06:46
[Abstract]:For a long time, the public security organ is our country important public security administration, the criminal judicature strength. Its own role as an instrument of people's democratic dictatorship, as well as the duties of combating crime and protecting the people, makes the police profession itself the busiest and most dangerous profession in peacetime. At present, the rapid development of China's economy and society inevitably brings about the gathering and highlighting of social contradictions, and the task of public security organs to maintain social harmony and stability is very onerous. It is common for the people's police to be insulted and abused in the course of carrying out their duties. The number of casualties caused by violent attacks is also rising year by year, and the law enforcement authority of the people's police is facing unprecedented challenges. Starting from November 1, 2015, with the formal implementation of Criminal Law Amendment (9), violent assaulting police officers are formally included in the scope of criminal law sanctions, violent assaulting police officers will be given a heavier punishment according to the crime of obstruction of public service. This legislative measure is in line with the fact that violent assaults on the police occur from time to time, and will better reflect the special status and status of the people's police, guarantee the people's police to carry out their duties according to law, and better protect the lives and property of the people. In this paper, the author as a people's police, based on their own work, from the analysis of the concept, current situation and characteristics of assaulting police, through the comparison of domestic and foreign legislative practice to regulate assaulting police, respectively from the object of crime, behavior, and so on. Subject, crime and other aspects, focus on the identification of the crime can be perfect space. This paper is divided into four parts to discuss. The first part discusses the behavior of assaulting police and the necessity of criminal regulation. By comparing and analyzing the casualties of the people's police, it is proved that assaulting the police is the primary cause of the police injury, and the assaulting of the police is showing a high incidence. Then it puts forward the concept of "attacking police" in the sense of criminal law from two aspects: serious infringement of legal interests and punishment. By discussing the importance of the legal status of the police, the particularity of the professional characteristics and the serious legal benefit aggression of the assaulting police, this paper expounds the urgency and necessity of the criminal law to regulate the assaulting of the police. The second part discusses the legislative model of criminal regulation of assaulting police at home and abroad. By analyzing the legislative model of criminal regulation of assaulting police in foreign countries, this paper studies the beneficial experience of criminal regulation of assaulting police in foreign countries, and puts forward the future choice of criminal regulation of assaulting police in China. The third part discusses the objective aspect of criminal regulation of assaulting police. On the basis of analyzing and drawing lessons from the existing theories of criminal law, the objective elements such as the mode of conduct, the execution of duties according to law, the object of conduct and other objective elements are identified in criminal law. The fourth part discusses the subjective aspect of criminal regulation of assaulting police. Starting from the analysis of the cognition content of attacking police officers, this paper expounds the problems that should be paid attention to when judging the "knowing", and discusses the influence of criminal motivation on sentencing.


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