发布时间:2019-05-24 09:30
【摘要】:“如实供述”即如实供述自己的罪行,是指犯罪嫌疑人主动交代自己的主要犯罪事实的行为。“如实供述”作为刑罚制度中的重要内容,符合刑罚裁量制度鼓励犯罪嫌疑人主动归案,争取宽大处理的价值特征,同时也能起到减低司法成本,提高司法效率的作用。由此可见,“如实供述”在刑罚制度中占有重要的地位。对于“如实供述”的认定,细分为“如实”、“供述”两方面。对于“如实”的认定又分析了其真实性和有效性。“如实”的真实性要求犯罪行为人供述的自己罪行与客观存在的犯罪事实相一致。即使行为人凭借自己的记忆,供述的事实与案件的客观事实并不完全一致,但行为人对此供述已经还原了当时的全部记忆并且做出了充分的表达。“如实”的有效性要求其供述的时间应限定在一审判决前。如实“供述”的内容分别从“罪行”、“自己的”两个方面进行考察。“罪行”包括主要犯罪事实和影响定罪量刑的行为人的自身情况。《关于处理自首和立功具体应用法律若干问题的解释》(以下简称《解释》)和《关于处理自首和立功若干具体问题的意见》(以下简称《意见》)关于“其他罪行”的规定存在不严谨之处,在具体案件应用时,应尽可能通过解释将行为人如实供述司法机关尚未掌握的其他罪行的行为纳入“如实供述”的范畴,以弱化《解释》和《意见》的负面效应。共同犯罪中,不同种类行为人“自己的”内涵和外延不同,应具体情况具体认定。如实供述自己罪行的法律适用应根据供述的内容和当庭供认犯罪事实的情形进行分析。 “如实供述”是刑罚制度中的重要组成部分,,对其加以研究对刑罚制度的应用具有重要的意义。
[Abstract]:Truthful confession, that is, truthful confession of one's own crime, refers to the behavior in which the criminal suspect takes the initiative to account for his main criminal facts. As an important part of the penalty system, truthful confession is in line with the criminal discretion system to encourage criminal suspects to take the initiative to bring cases and strive for leniency. At the same time, it can also play a role in reducing judicial costs and improving judicial efficiency. Thus it can be seen that truthful confession plays an important role in the penalty system. The cognizance of truthful confession is divided into two aspects: truthfulness and confession. The truthfulness and validity of truthfulness are analyzed. The authenticity of truthfulness requires that the perpetrator's own crime is consistent with the objective criminal facts. Even if the perpetrator relies on his own memory, the facts of the confession are not completely consistent with the objective facts of the case, but the actor has restored all the memories at that time and made a full expression of the confession. The validity of truthfulness requires that the time for its confession should be limited to the judgment of first instance. The content of truthful confession is investigated from two aspects: crime and self. "Crime" includes the main facts of the crime and the circumstances of the perpetrator who affects the conviction and sentencing. "interpretation of a number of issues relating to the handling of surrender and the specific application of the law of meritorious service" (hereinafter referred to as "explanation") and "on dealing with the specific application of the law" (hereinafter referred to as "interpretation"). There is inrigour in the provisions on "other crimes" in the first and second specific issues of meritorious service (hereinafter referred to as "opinions"). In the application of specific cases, the behavior of other crimes that the judicial organ has not mastered should be brought into the category of "truthful confession" by explaining as much as possible, so as to weaken the negative effects of "explanation" and "opinion". In joint crime, the connotation and extension of different kinds of actors are different, which should be determined concretely. The application of the law of truthfully confessing one's crime should be analyzed according to the content of the confession and the facts of confession in court. Truthful confession is an important part of the penalty system, and it is of great significance to study it for the application of the penalty system.
[Abstract]:Truthful confession, that is, truthful confession of one's own crime, refers to the behavior in which the criminal suspect takes the initiative to account for his main criminal facts. As an important part of the penalty system, truthful confession is in line with the criminal discretion system to encourage criminal suspects to take the initiative to bring cases and strive for leniency. At the same time, it can also play a role in reducing judicial costs and improving judicial efficiency. Thus it can be seen that truthful confession plays an important role in the penalty system. The cognizance of truthful confession is divided into two aspects: truthfulness and confession. The truthfulness and validity of truthfulness are analyzed. The authenticity of truthfulness requires that the perpetrator's own crime is consistent with the objective criminal facts. Even if the perpetrator relies on his own memory, the facts of the confession are not completely consistent with the objective facts of the case, but the actor has restored all the memories at that time and made a full expression of the confession. The validity of truthfulness requires that the time for its confession should be limited to the judgment of first instance. The content of truthful confession is investigated from two aspects: crime and self. "Crime" includes the main facts of the crime and the circumstances of the perpetrator who affects the conviction and sentencing. "interpretation of a number of issues relating to the handling of surrender and the specific application of the law of meritorious service" (hereinafter referred to as "explanation") and "on dealing with the specific application of the law" (hereinafter referred to as "interpretation"). There is inrigour in the provisions on "other crimes" in the first and second specific issues of meritorious service (hereinafter referred to as "opinions"). In the application of specific cases, the behavior of other crimes that the judicial organ has not mastered should be brought into the category of "truthful confession" by explaining as much as possible, so as to weaken the negative effects of "explanation" and "opinion". In joint crime, the connotation and extension of different kinds of actors are different, which should be determined concretely. The application of the law of truthfully confessing one's crime should be analyzed according to the content of the confession and the facts of confession in court. Truthful confession is an important part of the penalty system, and it is of great significance to study it for the application of the penalty system.
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