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  本文关键词: 道路交通事故 损害赔偿 归责原则 侵权责任 出处:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近些年,随着我国进入汽车时代,伴随着车辆的增加和道路交通的复杂道路交通事故损害赔偿案件逐渐上升为民事案件中数量激增,法律关系复杂,审理难度较大的民事案件类型。虽然作为侵权案件的一种类型,但是道路交通事故赔偿案件却涉及到《侵权责任法》中绝大部分的问题,例如在道理交通事故赔偿案件中如何准确确定损害赔偿主体;在不同归责基础下,如何精准划分相应的责任主体;在复杂的法律关系和繁复的法律事实中,如何明断损失的类型和范围等等。现阶段司法实践适用的《道路交通安全法》、《侵权责任法》以及《最高人民法院关于审理道路交通事故损害赔偿案件适用法律若干问题的解释》等相关司法解释虽然对道路交通事故损害赔偿责任主体认定方面较之前的相关立法作了更加详细的规定,但是立法技术层面上依然存在问题。笔者根据我国现状,采用比较的方法,结合司法实践取得的相关经验得出结论,并提出粗浅的法律建议。全文共分为五个部分,第一部分介绍了机动车交通事故和道路交通事故侵权的概念及我国该领域的立法沿革。第二部分梳理了道路交通事故损害赔偿责任主体的几种较为特殊的情况。第三部分采用比较法通过对其他国家立法例及归责原则进行分析与探讨,反思与批判我国道路交通事故损害赔偿归责原则,并真实案例进行进一步的理论研究。第四部分结合前文的理论分析以及中国现存问题的提出若干完善建议。 从民事侵权角度来看,机动车道路交通事故侵权是指当事人违反道路交通安全的法律法规,或者基于意外事件,致使在交通通行中发生事故,因此造成了相对人伤亡或财产损失。本文的第一部分机动车道路交通事故侵权损害赔偿责任主体中分为四个问题进行分述,第一、擅自驾驶他人机动车情形中的损害赔偿主体问题;第二机动车所有权不完全情形下的损害赔偿主体问题;第三、挂靠情形下的损害赔偿主体问题;第四、车主无偿地邀请或允许下搭乘该车的人好意同乘下的损害赔偿主体问题。本文的第二部分中笔者通过中外对比的方法对机动车道路交通事故侵权的归责原则进行阐述。在本部分的第一个分子母中笔者首先对各国的归责原则的演进及评析,本文选取日本、法国等国家进行分述。在第二个部分中着重介绍我国现阶段的归责原则。在对比中明确我国规则原则。本文第三部分的中心分论点是机动车道路交通事故侵权的损害赔偿。在第三部分的论述中,笔者首先明晰损害赔偿的概念及判断标准,,然后在第二个小问题中着重论述了消极损害赔偿的问题并且针对我国的司法实践中精神损害抚慰金问题混乱的局面将精神损害抚慰金的赔偿作为第三个小问题予以阐述。在本文的最后一个部分中,笔者结合前人的成果及自身的思考提出了完善我国道路交通事故损害赔偿责任制度的对策和建议,大体上分为:完善立法体系,以解决立法和执法上的冲突;在立法的目的和原则上要树立以人为本的立法理念;完善我国机动车交通事故责任强制保险制度;建立和完善相关配套机制四个方面。笔者力图通过本文四个部分的论述和分析对我国的机动车道路交通事故侵权在司法实践中遇到的一些问题予以明晰。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with China's entry into the automotive era, accompanied by the damage of complex road traffic accidents and road traffic vehicles increase gradually rise for civil compensation cases in the case of a surge in the number of complex legal relationship, the trial difficult types of civil cases. As a type of infringement cases, but the traffic accident compensation cases are related to "tort liability law of most of the problems", such as in the cases of compensation for traffic accident reason how to accurately determine the main damages; in different imputation basis, how precise division of corresponding main responsibility; in the complex legal relationship and legal facts are complicated, the type and scope of how judicious loss and so on. "The road traffic safety law at the present stage of judicial practice, the tort liability law > and < < the Supreme People's Court on the road traffic accident damage compensation cases. Some problems on the interpretation of the law and related judicial interpretation although > cognizance of the subject of liability for damage in road traffic accident legislation than before for a more detailed provisions, but the level of the legislative technology problems still exist. According to the present situation of our country, using the comparative method, relevant experience with judicial practice has concluded that and some legal suggestions. The full text is divided into five parts, the first part introduces the legislative history of the concept of tort of traffic accident of motor vehicle traffic accident and road and the field in China. The second part combed several road traffic accident liability is a special case. The third part uses the comparison method based on the legislation of other countries and analyzed the principle of imputation, reflection and criticism of China's road traffic accident damage compensation liability principle, and the real case Further theoretical research is carried out in the case of the fourth part. Some suggestions are put forward in combination with the theoretical analysis of the previous article and the existing problems in China.
From the perspective of civil tort, road traffic accident tort refers to the parties in violation of laws and regulations on road traffic safety, or based on the accident, the accident occurred in traffic, resulting in relative casualties or property losses. In the first part of the tort of motor vehicle road traffic accident liability main body is divided into four problems for the first, without driving the vehicle in case others damages the main problem; problem of compensation of the main second motor vehicle ownership under incomplete damage; third, the subject of compensation in case of problems linked to damage; fourth, the owner free invitation or permission to take the car man hitchhiking damages under the subject the second part of this paper. The problems in the road traffic accident tort imputation principle through the contrastive analysis method The evolution and analysis in this paper. In the first part of the first of the parent molecule on the imputation principle, this paper selects Japan, France and other countries are described. In the second part emphatically introduces the imputation principle of the present stage of our country. Our country rules clear in comparison to the third center. Part of the argument is the tort of the traffic accident of motor vehicle road damages. In the third part, the author firstly clarify the concept and criterion of damage compensation, and then in second a small problem focuses on the problems and negative damages the spirit of judicial practice in China for solatium problem chaos the spirit of solatium damages as third small problems to be described. In the last part of this paper, the author think the previous achievements and their proposed consummates our country road traffic The accident damage compensation system countermeasures and suggestions can be divided into: improve the legislative system, in order to solve the conflict of legislation and enforcement; legislation should establish the people-oriented concept in the purpose and principles of legislation; perfect the compulsory insurance system of vehicle traffic accident in China; establish and improve the relevant supporting mechanism of four aspects of the author. To some of the problems through discussion and analysis in the four part of this paper is the tort of motor vehicle road traffic accident in our country in judicial practice to be clear.



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