本文关键词: 产学研 法律法规 高等院校 出处:《河北大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The perfect system of laws and regulations for the cooperation of industry, university and research can standardize the behavior of various subjects in the cooperation of industry, college and research, and provide clear legal guarantee for the cooperation between colleges and universities and enterprises. The formation of industry-study-research cooperation in developed countries is based on the establishment of a legal and regulatory system of industry-study-research cooperation in the form of legislation. Has been upgraded to a higher level, and has made initial achievements. There are more than 60 laws and regulations at the national level in our country. There are more than 100 local related laws. But the current development of industry-university-research cooperation reflects the loopholes and shortcomings in the relevant laws and regulations-the lack of laws and regulations to adapt to the new situation, As a result, colleges and universities are still in a weak position in the cooperation of industry, college and research. Therefore, the establishment of a relatively perfect system of laws and regulations for the cooperation of industry, education and research will promote the active participation of institutions of higher learning in the cooperation of production, education and research. It has important theoretical and practical significance. In order to probe into the problems existing in the laws and regulations of industry, college and research in order to help colleges and universities better adapt to the new development trend, On the basis of studying the relevant theories of the domestic and foreign industry, college and research cooperation laws and regulations, this paper summarizes the relevant concepts, first of all, analyzes the content, current situation and influencing factors of the cooperation laws and regulations. Secondly, it discusses the development course of the laws and regulations of industry, college and research in our country and the main problems existing at the present stage. Thirdly, it analyzes the terms and experiences of the cooperation among the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan. Finally, from the point of view of the national conditions of our country, This paper puts forward some suggestions on the laws and regulations of industry-university-research cooperation in order to provide the basis for the establishment of domestic laws and regulations of industry-university-research cooperation and to promote the participation of colleges and universities in the industry-university-research cooperation.
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