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发布时间:2018-04-08 07:12

  本文选题:劳动者 切入点:辞职权 出处:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着市场经济的发展,生产力水平的提高,我国的经济发展比之过去的几十年,可以说是一种飞速的进步,与此同时,国民收入也有了显著提高。劳动者具有了更强的创造财富的能力,经济基础的发展,使得劳动者的意识也产生了变化。与过去崇尚“铁饭碗”的工作理念不同,当今社会的劳动者更为看重自身发展,更加看重成本与收益。劳动者几十年或终其一生在同一企业、单位工作的情况,已经颇为罕见,跳槽成为了热门话题。在计划经济时代不可想象的辞职,在现如今也已经是司空见惯的现象了。 辞职权是法律赋予劳动者的一项权利,劳动者因享有辞职权,才能够实现自由择业,法律赋予劳动者这一权利,也体现了法律对劳动者的保护。因为辞职权的存在,劳动者和用人单位能够实现双向选择,劳动者可以不再被动依附于用人单位,双方谈判协商的过程,也是双方博弈、争取自身最大利益的过程。因此,劳动力资源能够实现合理优化配置,从而提高资源利用率,提高生产效率。 辞职权又分为即时辞职权和预告辞职权,本文主要就劳动者预告辞职权问题进行研究。由于客观社会形势的变化,“劳动”也不再是单一简单的体力劳动,劳动者预告辞职也面临很多新的、有争议的问题。有些劳动者不再像从前那样,为生存而不得不从事劳动,他们或具有特殊的技能,或在某些领域有过人表现,无论从谈判能力还是从劳动收入角度讲,已经不能将这些劳动者与一般劳动者混为一谈。在过去对劳动者进行的倾斜保护,现在已经存在保护过度的可能性。 本文遵照发现问题,研究问题,解决问题的思路进行研究。首先对辞职权的基本内涵进行分析,以此发现预告辞职权相关法律规定中存在的问题,最后针对存在问题,提出解决问题的设想。通过对比其他国家和地区的法律规定,分析规定形成的原因,以求解决我国劳动者预告辞职面临的困境。有果必有因,如果只看到制度上的规定,不去分析制度何以形成,制度与制度间何以存在差异,是不能真正解决问题的。表面上的模仿,有时候非但不能解决问题,还有可能造成更大的资源浪费。 就本文所要讨论的劳动者辞职权问题而言,,劳动者从一个工作单位辞职进入另一个工作单位工作,看似简单,实际上包含了许多的法律问题,在实际操作中也出现了一些问题和困惑:劳动立法的倾斜保护,是否矫枉过正?劳动者为何难以辞职? 解决这些问题,应该从辞职权的基本理论入手,结合现实劳动力情况进行分析,多方向思考,以求突破困境。本文首先对辞职权内容进行分析,对辞职权内涵、意义等基本问题进行论述,阐明我国对于劳动者辞职权的保护程度,把劳动者辞职权制度与其他劳动法制度放在一个体系中进行思考,通过对制度设计等方面的分析,结合对比国外立法经验,发现我国劳动者辞职权制度的不足之处,并提出完善意见。以求达到在保护劳动者权益的同时,能够保护用人单位合法利益,促进和谐稳定劳动关系的建设。
[Abstract]:With the development of market economy and the improvement of productivity level , the economic development of our country can be said to be a kind of rapid progress compared with the past few decades . At the same time , the national income has improved significantly .

As a result , the labor resources can realize reasonable optimal allocation , so that the resource utilization rate can be improved and the production efficiency can be improved .

in that light of the change of objective social situation , " labor " is no longer a simple physical labor .

Based on the discovery problem , the research problem and the solution to solve the problem , this paper first analyzes the basic connotation of the speech and powers to find out the problems existing in the relevant legal provisions of the pre - notice , and finally puts forward the idea of solving the problem by comparing the legal provisions of other countries and regions .

In terms of the terms and powers of the laborers to be discussed in this article , the resignation of the worker from one work unit to another work unit appears to be simple . In fact , it contains a lot of legal issues . In practice , there are some problems and confusion : the inclination protection of the labor legislation , whether it is corrected or not , and why it is difficult for the worker to resign ?

To solve these problems , we should start with the basic theory of the terms and powers , analyze the situation of the actual labor force , and try to break through the predicament . In this paper , the author discusses the basic problems such as the content of the speech , the connotation and meaning of the speech , and points out the deficiency of our country ' s terms and functions in terms of the system design , and puts forward some suggestions . In order to protect the rights and interests of the workers , we can protect the legitimate interests of the employing units and promote the construction of harmonious and stable labor relations .



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