本文选题:大学生 + 学生伤害事故 ; 参考:《北京化工大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of higher education in our country, the number of students in colleges and universities is increasing obviously. With the increase of the number of students in colleges and universities, the incidents of injury to students in colleges and universities occur from time to time. The management and education of college students have also met many difficulties and challenges. Campus security, especially the personal safety of college students, has become a problem that must be faced by the development and reform of higher education in China [1]. In the face of the increasing campus injury accidents in colleges and universities, on the one hand, it brings harm to the students' personal health, brings heavy burden to the families of the injured students, affects the students' normal completion of their studies, and the realization of their personal ideals and aspirations. On the other hand, it also directly or indirectly hinders the normal education and teaching of the school, affects the good management order, even causes certain economic loss to the school, as well as the bad social reputation and the word of mouth. Therefore, it is necessary to study and discuss the responsibility of college students' injury accident, especially the responsibility of the university. This paper focuses on the definition, classification, characteristics, principle of imputation and the specific situation of the responsibility of one of the students in colleges and universities. It also discusses the special legal relationship between students and universities, and then discusses how to apply the principle of fault liability in related cases [2]. At the same time, draw lessons from the existing legal system and judicial practice of the United States, combined with the author's practical work experience and practical cases, In this paper, the author puts forward his own suggestions and opinions on the sharing of responsibility and the duty of care of one party in college students' injury accidents, so as to fully guarantee the main position of colleges and universities as the main body of education and protection of college students. In order to effectively reduce the loss caused by the injury accident to the students, the students and the parties concerned, and to deal with the injury accidents of college students as fairly, fairly and legally as possible, we should make clear the responsibility attribution and handling mechanism of similar cases.
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